Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, December 5, 2008

Going to the 15 days!

I can't believe, tomorrow is TWO WEEKS TILL I'M MARRIED! This has been a crazy but exciting time, I'm trying not to let the stress get to me (which is easier said than done!) All the last minute things are getting accomplished, such as guest counts, meal counts, ordering chair covers, hair appointments, nail appointments, everything! Soon I will be writing placement cards and tying bows onto my wedding's SO SURREAL!
UPDATE: The race went really well! For those of you who don't know, I run a "turky trot" every Thanksgiving called The Manchester Road Race, it's huge, like 12,000 people, and is just under 5 miles long. I trained really well this year, and my goal was under 50 minutes....and I did it in 49:52!!! MY BEST EVER! (Nothing like 8 seconds below your goal!!!) But I stopped twice to hug people and get my picture taken by Brian and my Daddy, who waited and hoped they would see me, and I'm the one who spotted them! It was a Thanksgiving "miracle" that I found them ;-)
So, over Thanksgiving we watched Father of the Bride. Since I had watched it a week earlier and cried like a baby, I was more prepared to watch it and control my emotions. It was then that I started to notice similarities between my wedding and the one in the movie:
- It's in the winter
- Brian is my fiance and the fiance in the movie
- My middle name is Ann, the bride's name is Annie....and we have a dog named Annie!
- Both my dad and the dad in the movie own their own businesses
- My wedding planner is named Frank, in the movie it's Franc (Pronounced Fr-o-nk)
Things I hope will happen that happened in the movie are:
- Snow for our wedding day!
- Everyone has a great time dancing
- My parents look back at it with fondness
- And no bad weather for the flight out for our honeymoon!!! :-)
Ok so seriously, all you ladies out there, I'm a wreck. This weekend Brian is away and I'm moving some of my stuff into his apartment that I don't need, such as books, pictures and summer clothes. AH. It's so weird. I'm a disaster simply because I have so much to do and not a lot of time to do it in, so I took work off on Saturday and I'm dedicating the day to cleaning up my life and getting organized! Sigh. Any words of advice???
Off to go teach my 1st graders about graphic's the special ed group. They're a trip.
12 more days till I leave for CT! Then no work till January 5!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. AAH! I am so excited for you dear friend! I wish so badly I could be there for your big day. Know that I will be thinking of you! I am going out this Sat to get your gift/or gift card. I haven't had time with Davy working full time and school, but this Sat night he's off! Love you!! 15 days!!! yea!

  2. Congrats! HAppy 15 days! I hope you enjoy these last few days as a single lady you can never have them back. I hope you wedding day is beautiful

  3. Don't forget to laugh! Seriously, it helps in the stress department! And enjoy it, you worked hard to plan, so just watch it fall into place! Can't wait to see you!

  4. Get as much done as early as possible so the days right before the wedding are not as stressful so you can thoroughly enjoy them!!! Treasure each moment because in a moment you will be looking back and treasuring them!!
    Laugh - yes it is invigorating and so freeing - just enjoy this time!!!


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