Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Only 1 of our friends braved the snow to snap a pic with our fearless photographer!

Wedding party - (L-R) Lauren (Niece), Sarah (Sis-In-Law), Meg (Niece), Deb (sis-in-law), ME!, Kate (Sis), Melissa (Sis), Jen (Sis), Moriah (Niece)

Ringbearers, Andrew and Chris (Nephews), Meghan (Niece)

My ornament inspired cake!

First dance! "Kingdom Come" by Coldplay

SO it's been FOREVER since I've written!!! I've been married for 2 weeks now. It's GREAT! We went to Puerto Rico on our honeymoon, so as you can tell, getting out of the snow was great!!! We had a HUGE snow storm the day before, the town we got married in, Glastonbury, got the most snow out of all New England (9 1/2 inches in just 6 hours!). I kept saying all day, "I knew it was going to snow, I've been praying for this since July!" And my pastor, during the ceremony said that we should pray big prayers and he said, "We have evidence of this today. Kristin has been praying for snow since July. Maybe you should've prayed a little less Kristin." Everyone died it was so great and funny! The reception was also tons of fun, lots of dancing!!!

IF you're on my facebook you saw all the hundreds of pics, so I won't load tons, below are some of our honeymoon pics too, I'll load more as I see fit! Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers, and gifts! You're all wonderful friends and I'm lucky to have you!

Our first shot in Puerto Rico...I got artsy with our rings!
My favorite shot! A timer nonetheless! Looks like an Abercrombie ad!

I don't care if you can't see us, the sunset was incredible!


  1. congratulations! I am so happy for you two, i've been reading your blog for a while now, but decided to delurk to say hi :) awesome pictures!

  2. yes, more wedding pics please! You looked beautiful!


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