Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sick but contemplative

So this weekend we had a conference at our church which was REALLY rad, I love my church! I'll detail a few things from that. Ha ha that picture is REALLY big that I posted! Hopefully it's not as big in the blog! Some main points were made such as we should walk away from services reflecting on how great God is, not how skilled a speaker is. I know I do it all the time! He also really got down to the tug and pull of people who are trying to live for God and are also sinning, and how that makes you MISERABLE, it really opened my eyes to a lot of people I know that I've been talking with about God. Also, realizing God's magnitude and holiness, and how being in awe of that should be enough. It was really touching, and I know this is a brief recap but if you look up his podcasts you'll get a feel for it. The messages were so real and applicable, he wasn't calling you to do anything extra crazy, but love God and show the world THIS is our difference. The conference was called "Awakening", it was really true. One of the songs we sang went "Awaken my heart/awaken my soul/awaken this life for you oh God" it was so great. Brian and I had SO much to talk about after each service we didn't even go out with anyone! Plus...I'm SICKKKKK.
Yes that's right, a blessed cold has finally gotten the best of me as it has gotten basically everyone around me (My fellow teachers, students, husband, neighbors, yea, I'm the last one on this sickness train!). So that's hampered my idea of running a half marathon...well, my training at least. I'm resting so I can come back strong. I finally broke the 4 mile wall. It's been really hard to run in a gym because it's SO hot and I can't take it after 3 miles, but thankfully I broke through the wall...just in time to get sick ;-) Oh well, I'll be back and better than ever in no time!
Brian was telling me I need to change my blog name from *May*keover....anyone remember that?! It was last may, go back to my original post. Last April I weighed myself to discover I was WAY beyond what I had been in a while, thank you teaching! My job change really effected my weight. So I made practical life changes and jump started healthy life choices for May. It turned out really well, and by mid June I had lost 12lbs! Now I'm down 16lbs from where I was last May, and it feels good. I can't believe I kept it off, but it took really being committed to making permanent changes. Now I splurge every now and then, but I felt really accomplished the other day when I realized I have kept my weight off for almost a year. Now of course it's the wedding etc that helped, but I'm really excited to be able to attempt the half marathon. Keep it up all you challenged lifestyle changers! I hate the word diet...that's why I like weight watchers, because it's a LIFESTYLE change; if you focus on the "can't have's", you're going to want them. If you focus on the positives, like healthy eating and creative cooking, and of course balance, it's really satisfying.
Alright signing off! Give me your thoughts!

1 comment:

  1. gerrr i have the terrable cold too! everytime i get sick i think of you and i just saw a commercial where a lady is looking at her calendar saying "i just cant fit the flu in" ahhhh if only we could actually schedule sick time in when its convienient! feel better! im on the mend just have the lingering caugh


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