Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, February 19, 2009

1/2 Marathon: Week 2 Part III 10 MILES!

YAHOO!!! I finally made it into a double digit run!!! Sunday was supposed to be my long run, so I did it, but my hands were so cold I only made it about 9 miles. Today it was SO beautiful out, 55 and sunny, that I couldn't resist going off my training schedule and trying another long run!!! It was SO hard, especially since I forgot my water! It was beautiful...I even got some tan lines! I ran to the Back Bay Wildlife Refuge off of Sandbridge Beach. This picture is of the path to one of the trails...obviously I didn't take it, but it was so beautiful I couldn't resist it!!! I ran on a paved road surrounded by dunes and the bay. SO BEAUTIFUL! I couldn't have had a more perfect day to run. It did take me a while, but I completed it and it felt SO good. It gave me some confidence about the approaching race day (April 26!) that I will be able to finish it. I wanted to try to do the full 12, but Brian made me stop bc I was clearly tired!
Yesterday I did cross training, elliptical, bike and treadmill, and a rowing machine. Good prep for today!!!
Till next time!

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