Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My wild and crazy weekend + 1/2 Marathon update!

So it's been FOREVER! Let's go through the weekend day by day (Anyone remember that DC Talk song?!)

Friday: My husband LEFT me! No not because I don't cook well (Which I do, almost every night!), he went to visit his parents in Rochester with our friend Drew who is getting married to Sarah on April 10! YIKES that's close! (Sarah and Drew have been mentioned a few times so you follow, they're our neighbors) Because they left earlier than planned, I had to drive Sarah to the airport on Saturday morning at 5:30am! DOUBLE YIKES! But that didn't ruin our Friday night plans. Sarah has had company, in her STUDIO apt, for the past 13 days! Not a moments rest, always hosting! So I demanded she join my friend Lori and I for girl's dinner! Needless to say, we went to the gym and ran 3 miles (supposed to run 6, still sick), cooked stuffed shells and rice pudding, had GREAT conversation and we all went to bed full and happy. Mmmmm. Rice pudding.

Saturday: Started with waking up at 5:20am to leave at 5:30. WE MADE IT THANK GOD! Ha ha. Went back to sleep. Hit snooze 3 times. whoops. I NEVER DO THAT! I finally woke up and put the finishing (cleaning) touches on the apartment because MY SISTERS WERE COMING! Ah it's the first time they saw it, with my nieces, and they liked it. Yea yea yea I'll post pics soon! And no running that day. LOTS of walking. We went to Alice's Tea cup on the upper east side, shopped on 5th ave, went to dinner in Little Italy and got magnolia cupcakes for desert! LOTS OF WALKING. I ended the evening by watching "The Holiday". If you haven't seen it, well, just do it.

Sunday: MY DAY! I ran 12 miles! First time ever! I had major heel pain unfortunately, so I got a pedi with my good friend Andrea! It was glorious. An hour and a half with a back rub while my toes were drying! I then watched Pride and Prejudice and Serendipity consecutively, while partaking of left over Little Italy food and more cupcakes and cookies (TRIPLE WHOOPS!). It was heavenly. But by the end of "me" day, I missed my husband SOOOOOOOO much! We've only been married 3 months and going to sleep without him was terrible. I ended the evening by being in bed at 9pm. Lights out. Asleep.

Monday: No running, husband home, went to Trader Joe's and got FABULOUS food!
Tuesday: Sick again. No running, still sore and CLASS blahhhhhhhhhhhhh 5 hours worth!
Wednesday: The day is still young...

1 comment:

  1. O.k. heres what i have to say..

    1) way to go on your running.. I have been having a hard time lately with my breathing while running not sure whats that about
    2) PLEASE PLEASE post pics of your house I really want to see it
    3)was the rice pudding homeade? If so could you share the recipe
    4)I know the feeling trying to sleep without your husband


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