Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, April 17, 2009

Running running GONE!

Ha ha ha yes today was a-mazing! Let's just say, the run was tough, but I am sunburned! (I know I know, it's not a good thing, but that means it'll turn into a tan!)

I ran 9.5 today, hoping to rock 10 more tomorrow, even though it's not the smartest thing to do (Running such long distances consecutively) I have the time and the weather and the beautiful ocean to run next to! So I figure hey, might as well. The run today was difficult, I was just kinda tired and adjusting to the increase in heat. I remembered that I don't run well in heat (I don't like being warm EVER, except with an ocean, air conditioner or pool nearby) and my coffee wasn't settling right (I know I know, TMI.) PLUS I forgot my hydrobelt, and carrying my water bottle was annoying enough, but then I had to stop at my house to refill it 2/3 of the way through. Imagine stopping in your house 2/3 of the way through a 9.5 mile run! I thought to myself, "Come on, you did 6 miles, that's good enough." Thank God I'm stubborn and strong willed.

Tomorrow is our last full day here in VA Beach and I'm really excited about it. The rotary club here is throwing a pancake breakfast, which we will attend, the high tomorrow is 73 and completely sunny, and we're meeting our friends Katie and Peter at PF Changs for dinner! What a great day to be had. I can't wait. I want to throw some biking in there tomorrow.

MY HALF MARATHON IS A WEEK AND TWO DAYS AWAY! I'm VERY nervous because I struggled a bit with 9.5 miles today, but I kept reminding myself that race time is WAY more energized, water stations will be all around, people cheering for you everywhere.

Confession: I hate my tummy. I think to myself all the time, "I exercise more than most people do. EVER. I know people who have NEVER exercised, I do it nearly everyday." WHY DO I STRUGGLE WITH MY WEIGHT STILL!? Gah. Post wedding I've put on 3-5 lbs and I HATE it. Maybe I'll get myself all stressed out for no reason to shed some lbs??? ;-)But yea, I guess I have to be more rigorous with my eating habits again. No big deal. It's a bit harder without the "gown" looming over my head, but my arms a quite toneless lately, I just need to get back to sit ups. BUT WHY DOESN'T RUNNING TAKE CARE OF IT?! Gah. Ok, I think my rant is done (Don't tell my husband about these rants, he hates them and calls me crazy...Brian if you are reading this, sorry, but at least I didn't trouble you with it this time!)

1 comment:

  1. Just found you via Sara's blog!!

    Congrats on the 1/2!! I'd love to do something like that in the future!

    And running in Central Park? You must be very close to me!


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