Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, April 13, 2009

Running woes

So remember that wedding I informed you all about? Well, it took over my LIFE! Let me tell you. I was going NONSTOP for two days! Brian decided because we were SO tired that we would drive to CT and relax for the weekend with family. So we left the wedding, packed our bags, and BAM drove to CT! We surprised our family, it was pretty funny.

But, because of the hecticness, my running has taken a back seat, which NEVER happens. Plus it didn't help that Saturday was completely rainy and cold, and Sunday was sunny and cold, aka I didn't pack my usual running wear (I forgot in the quick packing bonanza), so I didn't feel prepared. Such excuses!

So, I need some kicks in the butt...let me know how it is! Tell me what you do to get motivated! It's hard because I'm one of the most motivated people I know, but that two weeks of being sick really threw me off my training! This week I'm aiming to log 35-40 miles, I really just want to kick my own self into gear!

My 1/2 marathon is ONE WEEK AND 6 DAYS AWAY!

1 comment:

  1. I am sure if you want to you will be able to get in the miles that you want. Your doing so great. I had thought that you sadi you needed some new running shoes.. just wanted to let you know the adidas outlets are having super great sales i bought a pair of running/course training shoes, that are pink and white that were $89 for $32!!!!!!!!


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