Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Oh Deer!

A DEER! Can you spot it?! Well, look at the group of 3 trees in the middle, and below the middle tree ....can you see it?!?! Well, if not, the iPhone doesn't have zoom, so sorry. I was running in the trail at the Community College down the street from my parents and decided to start by going left (I never go left first!) and at the top of a LARGE hill was a HUGE mommy deer! I got about 4 feet from it and it ran away, then two seconds later its baby came out to find it! CRAZY! Again 3 feet from me a BEAUTIFUL fawn (That's the right word right?) at 4:30pm. So quaint. After they cleared the 4ft tall fence (AMAZING ATHLETES!) I followed them for about a quarter of a mile and saw them go through the soccer fields into the woods. It was such a nice piece of nature, then it scared me because that mommy deer could have messed me up! Anyone seen Tommy Boy?! EXACTLY! I also got freaked out by two bunnies. Nature has become a foreign thing to me since living in the city! Also, the thought occurred to me that the trail is not that safe...when I was a teenager my sister Kate and I, maybe with a few friends, would rollerblade there ALL THE TIME...and I never thought about how UNSAFE it is! There's no one around! When it first opened there were a lot of people, and I'm sure the heat didn't help bring people out to exercise, but I was seriously the only one on the trail for 45 minutes...I saw a biker in the first 5 minutes but he left! Therefore, I may not be running there again on my own...even with a cell phone ;-)

But it was a nice run, VERY slow because it was about 90 degrees with 80% humidity, but since I had to bow out of a long run sunday because of lack of water and nausea after about 4.5 miles (My body is still getting used to this heat!), I waited till Tuesday to really go for it. I was unsure if I had made it 9 miles though, because I had on the iPhone with GPS from mapmyrun, and low and behold, the GPS lost signal way in the beginning! So I just kept going! Almost 2 hours later (Again, at a SUPER slow pace) I jumped in the pool with my running clothes on; possibly the best feeling in the world. I've determined through google maps that my running on actual roads was 7.8 miles, not counting the trail, and I guarantee it was at least 2 miles on the trail, so I may have even overdone it a bit! But it felt good.

Any other good running stories? How's training/exercising going ladies? My hubby, dad, brother, and his son are at a rock quarry park thing today with rope swings, cliff jumps and zip lines, OH MY! So I'm stuck all my by myself with my doggy Annie Girl. I like to refer to her as my sister. She's seriously the sweetest dog that ever existed. She follows me everywhere and is decently obedient and INSANELY quirky! I'll have to post some pictures of her.

So, in summary, training is going ok. I may be backed up a few days, but I'm getting my miles in!


  1. Come visit us in Kansas. I can take you to a park that has hundreds of them! They are so fun to watch.

  2. bad week for running for me...time, weather & cranky baby trying to get back on schedule have been barriers...a little discouraged but I'll get back into regularity soon...uh, that sounds weird...regularity...hahahaha


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