Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Training is about to begin...and more 5k pics!

1. That's me in the dad decided to try to give me the iced tea sample! (He's a trip, in case you didn't notice!)
2. All of us before the race....apparently Jen didn't expect me to be SO friendly!
3. Whole group after the race; the other two who aren't my sisters are Deb (Blonde) and Anne Marie (Brunette)
4. Part of our cheering section: OUR mom and dad! We felt like little kids!

I NEED BLOGGER HELP! when I upload my pics, all I see is script, not the picture. Hence my captions underneath. It used to be the full on pics, and now it's just codes and words etc. IT's annoying because I can't move them around. Anyone else experience this?! HELP! I also STILL can't figure out how to put in a link to someone's blog by using their name with the ability to click on it as a link. HELLLP!

I printed up my training chart again. It worked really well before, so I decided to stick with it for this half. It's Ryan Hall's Half Marathon Training Program: I've decided this time to do the long program instead of the short program. We'll see how this goes. If time does not permit it, I will do a short program long run if necessary. I'm really excited to have a training schedule again, I've somehow been floundering without it. And I'm excited to do this on vacation when I'm in Virginia, because it's a GREAT running spot and scenic...I'll just have to wake up WICKED early to avoid the crazy heat! The longest run on this schedule is 16 miles. That's a personal best distance wise. I'm nervous, but I really want to try for the 20 miles to see if I can do it in order to examine if I can try a marathon. Wow that sounded WAY too teacher-ish!

Now I need your help for two things. First, does anyone know of a blog about buying houses? Or have you purchased a home? The hubby and I are considering purchasing a home in the next two years or so and I want to be more informed. He's good at this kind of stuff, but I want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly, in order to better prepare for this (sometimes stressful) experience! Second thing, now this is goign to sound REALLY strange: I rode horses as a teenager, and was helping my mom clean out my old room. I found a BRAND NEW pair of outdoor riding gloves...not leather ones, they're almost like running/biking gloves with grippies. If you ride horses, you know what I mean! So, if you know anyone who does ride horses, I would LOVE to donate them! They're probably worth $20 and never worn. It's not an official contest, I don't think THAT many people who read this ride horses ;-)

After reviewing this blog, I see it's very needy. PLEASE HELP! Thanks ;-)


  1. Hey there. So try this, upload your pictures and go to the top right corner of your post, there should be two tabs that read "Rich Text" and "Html". When photos are uploaded they are html, so it sounds like your dashboard is defaulting there. Click on Eich Text and it'll give you the photos as photos. :)
    And linking - highlite the word you want to link with, like the person's name and click the little green button boe your post. It looks like a green ball with a chain [link] across it. A window pops up, insert the copied link and hit enter. Voila! It does have to be the whole link, like this

    And sorry I can't offer any help on buying a home. I'm sure there's a "Home buying for Dummies" book out there, which I'd probably need to read. I'm pretty helpless in that area too!
    I really hope that helps!

  2. Ha, I was going to say almost the exact same thing as Susie, she just beat me to it! I'll ask John about any home buying sites, since we're looking too:) He might have some info that I don't know about right now, since he's been doing all the contact stuff for us. I'm gonna be at the wedding, so i'm excited to see you there!


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