Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

99th post!

YES! It's true! Giveaway time is upon us. I will write more about the past few weeks below, but first things first: GIVEAWAY RULES AND PRIZES! Get ready for...


Note: This picture is only a graphic, has nothing to do with the giveaway! ;-)
Included in this giveaway are some of my favorite things; a good movie, good recipes and good wine! Now, if you don't prefer wine/alcohol, included will be recipes that you can COOK with the wine, therefore burning off alcohol etc (See I think of EVERYTHING!). Here is what you have have to do to get entries and BONUS (duh duh dunnn) entries:

1 Entry: Comment on my blog

2 Entries: Become part of my little army; also known as a Follower

3 Entries: Go to my friend's AWESOME gift basket blog and comment:

4 Entries: Become a Follower on gift-a-cupcake!

Now, you will need to inform me about your entries etc...please leave a comment telling me what you did, aka followed my blog, gift-a-cupcake's blog, etc! This contest will run until midnight on Thursday, 9/1/09! GOOD LUCK!

Now on to bloggy things...

I've been all over the place this summer. Connecticut, Rochester, Virginia, Catskills, (Brian climbed Mt. Washington in NH! SO PROUD!), so much going on and so little time! This has been a nice long summer; however, my running is not so nice. Notice how I haven't blogged? Half of it is from being en route somewhere and not having time to blog, and the other half is being EXTREMELY discouraged. The heat got to me on my long run. Twice. I was supposed to do 9 miles and only did 8. I was supposed to do 11 miles and only did 10. My speedwork is non existent. My times are HORRIBLE. I HAVE A HALF MARATHON ON SEPTEMBER 26!!! I also begin work September 8, and I start my three class (Yes, THREE CLASSES) grad school night schedule next week. I need to get committed and get committed FAST (Literally and figuratively). So here are my commitments thus far:

- Healthy diet. Traveling was NOT condusive to this. Brian and I are going on a healthy diet. According to the USDA I should be on a 1500 calorie diet, which I've been doing for 3 days. It's easy to stick with because there's so many online tools to check calories and meal ideas. Why the sudden interest? Runner's Diet Mistakes (A MUST READ!) showed me that I was guilty of at least 3 nutritional no-no's.

- New Gym membership. I'm joining a national gym I think (Planet Fitness) which I can go to even when I travel. Therefore, when I go to Connecticut and feel lazy, I will have no excuse if it's raining or cold!

- No potato chips. EEK I know! I eat chips and salsa so much, it's just not cool. I'll do pita bread or baked pita chips, but I'm stearing clear for now.

- Drinking more tea and less coffee.

- LIMITED dairy. (Just enough for calcium)

- After half marathon is over, more cross training and better running. I want to just be better. I'm sick of 11 minute miles...yes, you read this right...11 minute miles :-/

- Sticking to working out in the midst of my classes. I will be going to school two nights a week: 1 class Wednesdays till 7:30 and two classes back to back Thursdays till 9:10. This is going to be hard, but I'm aiming for 4 workout days in the week.

That's all for now. School begins again soon. EEK! And the child running around in Panera is reminding me of how insane these said children can be. However, I love them still!!!

HAPPY BLOGGING! DO THE GIVEAWAY! I'll even give hints about the movie....


  1. Hi Kristin! I checked out your bblog just in time to be entered in your giveaway - yay! Sounds like fun :)

  2. yay for giveaways. give me two entries por favor. I'm already an awesome follower of your blog. :)

    Your paces will come down when the weather isn't SO HOT. I always notice a HUGE difference in my times when it's cooler, also a huge difference in my will to live while running. Haha.

  3. ha, yes I definitely prefer it when only 1 of us is sick. I don't think we've ever been sick together. Noah had a cold earlier this week and gave it to me, but he was over it by the time I got it. Weird. I can only imagine how terrible it would be to be sick at the same time:( Bless you both for braving the public school system and it's germs, haha! Good to hear from ya:)

  4. I stopped by the cupcake site and left a note there. Thanks for the link - what a cute gift idea!!

  5. Hey girl I'm a follower and I left a comment on the cupcake site

  6. Hello! What a great generous giveaway! I follow too ;-)

  7. yay, new gym membership! when do you usually work out? i get off work at 5pm, and am trying to motivate myself to go to the gym right after, since hubby doesn't get off work til 6p, it would work out really well if i got myself to do it. my guess is you don't work out that late, but if you do(!), let's be workout buds! also, let me know if you still want to guest-it-up with me before you actually join.

    about the tea vs coffee thing... por que?? i mean, coffee IS a natural appetite suppressant after all. is it about the stuff that goes IN the coffee? cause you can always fix that... about 8 months ago, i killed cream and sugar and am now officially a black coffee drinker!! ew, i'm sure you're thinking, i know. and i felt the same way before i switched, but it's honestly much tastier to me now. (i weened slowly, believe me). and healthier. and you know what they say, "once you go black...."

    mark me down for one (maybe two) entries. i'll try and "follow you", but since i'm not a blogger-blogger (i'm a weebly girl myself), i'm not sure how it works, but i'll try. check it out if it works and then you can put me down accordingly. (haha, you're so cute, a giveaway)... ;)

  8. *that is, i'm not a "blogspot-blogger"

  9. okay, LAST COMMENT! =p
    i want you to know, you're the first official person i'm following. (all the peeps on my blog reel i keep track of via google-reader. luv.).

  10. It's not Planet Fitness here anymore Cardio Express FYI....hummmmmm

  11. Hey...give me 4 entries, checked out yours, am a follower, checked out Rebecca's and am a follower of hers too:) Great giveaway idea!!!

  12. Several things Missy...
    1. I'm posting.
    2. I'm a follower.
    3. I'll visit your friends site.

    99 bottles of...has been a big topic at our house lately. Doug and I are running a marathon on's called the Patriot's Run for those that served on 9.11, those that serve here in the country and for those overseas. Should be a good time.'s a 3/4 mile loop! So I think that turns out to be 36 loops, hence the 99 bottles of...going through the brain. Luckily, it'll just be 36 bottles of...

    Okay, I know this is getting long...but as you know, I too, have been struggling with running. It's been hard. Keep your chin up, Sunshine. I have all the faith in you to know when to push it and know when to take a break.

    And just remember for that give away...I *HEART* wine :) Maybe we can do a switcharoo sometime and I can send you some of Doug's homemade wine he's made.

    Have a great weeeknd!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. hello darlin'!
    long time no blog, huh? and right in the middle of training for a HALF MARATHON!! Aahh I'm DYING to know how your training is going -- 8 more days!!
    i just read this post, on fueling. Thought it might be timely/relevant/interesting to you:
    love love love


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