Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Half Marathon...less than 48 hours away!

This is a picture of me at my first half marathon in April! It has been that long since I've run 13.1 miles...SHAME! Race report to come I come Hamptons Half Marathon!
Here are my hopes:
1. That I beat the marathoners!
2. That I don't get sick
3. I'm not coughing up flem (sp?)
4. Blisters will be minimal
5. I don't get discouraged
6. 2:15
Brian has made me promise not to over do it...I haven't run in over two weeks because of stresses in life/sickness (I think I may have had the flu...swine flu anyone?!), and I'm still not 100%...perhaps 90%. So I've made various promises to walk if I feel sick, and there is no shame in resting. I'm leaving directly from work tomorrow with my friend Alyssa, who is GRACIOUSLY hosting us with her mom at their house in South Hampton! Her mommy is a GREAT cook and is preparing us a FABULOUS prerace meal! Yummy!
Wish me luck! GAH I'm so excited to get back out there!


  1. Good luck!
    I'm sure that you will do great

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. break a leg!!!
    oh wait. that's just for the theater...

  4. Good luck and most importantly. HAVE FUN! :)

  5. I'm sure you'll do awesome:) Have fun & even though you'll be tempted, don't push yourself too hard!!! Can't wait to see how you did! Love ya!


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