Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, March 12, 2010

This has been a very busy winter!

Just one of MANY pictures of the Bahamas! All in all it was a successful trip. Ran 3 out of 6 days on the old treadmill, but it felt good! Also did a 5 mile walk into "town"! My training has been alright, running about 3 times a week. I crossed the 10 mile mark on Sunday for a long run! School and college and life has been busy. So sorry to leave you all in the dark...but I'm not even sure anyone reads this anymore since I've gotten so bad at posting! All this to say, I'm running, 1/2 marathon is 3 weeks from tomorrow! Watch out world! More posts to follow!


  1. i'm here. :) i have google reader so i'm here whenever you write something :)

  2. posting a comment to share some love. Still reading. Keep blogging. Glad you had a wonderful trip! thanks for the postcard - ha ha.


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