Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, May 17, 2010

Maykeover...not so much

I HAVE ZERO ENERGY! GAH! I seriously have not exercised for a few days now, and I feel even MORE sluggish! Plus we were puppy sitting, and these doggies had me up EARLY because they needed time to adjust to each other, and were therefore up at 5:30am Friday, 6:10am Saturday (My sleep in till 7:30 day) and 6:30am on Sunday (My REALLY sleep in till 9am day!), so yea, I'm TIRED! (But the pictures and snuggle naps were precious!)

*May*keover advice: Eating out.
- It's really hard to eat out and stay healthy. Many factors render this a lofty task (Can you TELL I just handed in my thesis!?). One factor, which I think is the most important factor, is the unknown. Do you KNOW your chicken was grilled and not basted in butter/fattening oil? Do you know if that dressing is low calorie/fat? Do you know how much cheese they really put on the salad? When you read the book "Eat This Not That", it really opens your eyes. Did you know Panera Bread is one of the most unhealthy places to eat...EVER! I went there about a month ago, and was taking a while to order. This is how the conversation went:
Employee: "Can I help you pick something out?"
Me: "I'm trying to find the healthiest thing on the menu." (Thanks NYC for posting calories on EVER MENU!)
Employee: "Ha ha, you'll find good food but you won't find healthy food here."

I got a sandwich and ate half of it. I mean REALLY?! A place that boasts whole grains and natural ingredients should at LEAST TRY to be healthy! It's a miserable story, because I really love Panera...and the muffie is over 250 calories! SAD DAY! And Starbucks, well, don't even get me started. SKIM MILK is the way to go; if you complain that you don't like it, get used to it, or get a coffee based drink like an americano.
So the moral of this story is: WATCH OUT WHEN YOU EAT OUT! Don't be afraid to order things on the side. I serve tables on the weekends, and trust me, people are specific for STUPID reasons. Why not be specific for a GREAT reason! Be careful about the following:
  1. Dressings. Any dressing can range from 10 calories (unlikely in a restaurant) to 150 calories per serving (Usually 2 tablespoons!) And the creamier it is, the worse off you are! Balsamic balsamic balsamic! Go for straight balsamic, it's tasty!
  2. Get GRILLED....I know that breaded chicken avocado wrap looks AMAZING, but it's not worth the calories. Once in a while? Sure. But keep it to once in a very long while ;-)
  3. Go for the skim latte...better yet, an americano with a fancy syrup.
  4. If you go out, eat half then bring the rest home! Or, do what I do, and share a meal with someone!!! (Just tip a little extra....I hate people who under order because they're cheap!)
  5. Most of all, EAT IN! Cook for yourself. We try to cook for ourselves even though we love eating out. I always feel better after eating the food *I* make vs. a restaurant. You always end up eating too much.
And finally: I HANDED IN MY THESIS!!! I graduate on May 28, it's going to be legend...wait for it...dary!


  1. panera is SO bad for you. I really do hate that they pretend to be all natural and healthy. It's def not worth it. Maybe the veggie soup and a piece of whole grain baguette for lunch, but that's not gonna fill many people up.

  2. Hey girl.. great list
    Ha.. my fav Sbucks drink is Americano over ice with room for cream (I use non fat). I have found that subway is a great place to pick if you HAVE to eat out. I get the salad loaded with lots of yummy veggies and the FF honey mustart which is 25 Cal for 1Tbsp.

    Kyle and I have recently started a new no eating out deal, we only go out once every two weeks, not only is it super healthy but we have been saving tons of money.

  3. Preggo Runner: YEA! I live in NYC, and I have every possible AMAZING restaurant within walking distance or a short subway ride away...and my husband and I RARELY eat out! We (I) cook constantly. It saves SO much money! When we moved to a new apt in Oct. we had to get take out because we were still busy unpacking etc, and after just one weekend we were both saying, "Ew no more!"

  4. i know what you mean girl. we're on week 4!! bleh! except of course for the amazing meal you cooked us tuesday! :) but we're going through boxes one at a time at least. hopefully monday i'll get to use that electric thing sarah brought us to use (i hate that our stove isn't hooked up yet).

    ps - congrats on turning in your thesis! yay for graduating!


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