Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Dog days of summer

So, Lambeau has decided that between 7-7:30am, when the sun hits his favorite perch on the back of our couch, it's time to get a tan! He sits in the intense sun and lays out as long as he can stretch. If you touch him, he's incredibly warm...and loves it! My breakfast time is a lot more relaxing without him crying/barking at me to throw his ball for him. He's such a teenager.

I can't wait to have the "Lambeau way of life" in 3 1/2 days!!! (School days that is!) Seriously, this last week is completely unnecessary and tedious and needs to end like NOW. Had a (beautiful) wedding Sunday, work end of year party Monday, and I'm TIRED!

In second job news, I got a SAT tutoring job with a company called Chyten. They are really high caliber, specializing in one on one tutoring. Largest groups they ever have are 3-5 students, and you get paid a lot more for that (Unlike Kaplan or Sylvan which are all group based). We'll see how this goes!

Running. Oh running. If I don't run 7 miles at one time within the next week and a half I'm throwing in the marathon towel. I'm sucking wind (Literally) right now. I was going well with 5am days, but I'm just DRAINED again! The heat shot up and we've been 85+ for well over a week, and it's 75 by 6am, which is NASTY and HUMID! EW!

Oh to be Lambeau...sleeping the morning away while basking in the sun...


  1. I've been MIA from blogland, but now I'm back - to document some serious marathon training!!

    I hear ya on the heat/humidity, but you just gotta power through. One of the Team Life guys I run with says, "There's no such thing as bad weather, only soft people."

    As long as you're smart about it, running in non-ideal conditions actually makes you a lot stronger, mentally (yep, I can run through THAT!) and physically (for example, lungs work harder to breathe humid air, but then they're stronger when the weather gets better and the air-quality improves).

    And finally, are you marathon training? If so, which one?

  2. Girl...get your butt out there and train. Make sure you're hydrating enough and eating the right foods. Summer SUCKS for traning, but when fall gets here and it's race time, it makes race day so much easier cuz you've trained though the rough, nasty weather.

    Make sure you're getting in rest days too. Too much training can be just as bad as not training at all.


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