Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Eating out...kid style!

SO this morning I did some cross training at the gym because, well, my joints were a bit sore. P90X is kicking my butt! Anyway, so I did the elliptical. My relationship with the elliptical is bittersweet: I forget to look at my pace, so I'm really lazy, and then I suddenly realize that I'm taking FOREVER! Shockingly, I find the elliptical pretty challenging. So this morning, my workout went like this:

Mile 1: 10:10. Thought to myself, "What the heck?! I didn't get up at 5:10am for THIS!"
Mile 2: 9:00. Thought to myself, "This is better. Could throw up. Might not. Wait and find out."
Mile 3: 8:00. Thought to myself, "Why didn't I do this from the beginning!"

Even though I have been doing early morning workouts, I've been finding it difficult to push myself because I get the sudden urge to throw up. So I have to be especially careful in the gym. Like, literally, I have gagged frequently while running outside. Don't know why, it just sucks. But I suck it up (literally, figuratively, whatever!) and run it out.

So, this evening, Bri went to a Yankee game, so I had the evening free. My friend Lyss came and worked out with me, and then we ordered take out. The best. Take out. EVER. BAREBURGER! Picture below:

Now, everything is all organic, even their wood for the booths is recycled wood. Amazing. So I went on the menu online to pick what I wanted. When I looked at the options, I stumbled upon the kid's menu called the "cubby menu". I had three choices, the Grizzly meal, a burger (Beef, turkey, or veggie burger option!), the Panda meal, aka chicken fingers, or the Polar meal, a chicken wrap. But these meals came with an amazing salad and fries...for $5.99! That's a complete meal for me, and I jumped on it; SO glad I did! I got the Cubby meal with a beef burger. It was so good. .....I also got a vanilla shake... but that's besides the point... Lambeau and I walked the 12 min walk to pick up our food. It was lovely. The air was finally cooling down and getting less humid. It was seriously a great meal and the cost was wicked great. Mmmmm. Tomorrow again perhaps?!

Did you run on "National Running Day"? I did the elliptical shamefully...

1 comment:

  1. hey!! i get super sick in the morning too when I work out..i try eating before hand...waking up an hour earlier to get accustomed to the early hour...but last time I did that, I had to stop my PAID training session at the gym becuase i was going to throw just run through it? anything you do that helps??


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