Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

New Leaf for fall

First things first: Packers family photo. Packers, step up your game. For goodness sake, STEP. UP. YOUR. GAME. (I hope everyone can see Lambeau has a fab jersey!!!)

So I wrote my "comeback from runner's depression" post, and I've acted on it.

Saturday: 3 mile run
Sunday: 5.5 mile run
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 3 mile treadmill run (Incline variation)
Wednesday: (Morning) 1 mile elliptical 40 minutes weight training / (Afternoon) 3 mile run

...I'd say that's pretty darn good! Some personal growth that I've seen this week that has made a difference:

I finally feel good about getting up at 5am (eek). I'm ok with that.

I finally feel like when the over 10:00/mile signal beeps on my Garmin (S-L-O-W), I'm ok with that too.

I finally feel that at 5am, 3 miles will settle for an attempted 4 mile run. I'm ok with that also.

This is a step in the right direction. This is a step back to "I love working out", rather than "I have to work out". With a positive attitude, results are sure to follow (Evidence: Danny, winner of Biggest Loser two seasons ago, had the best attitude EVERRRRRR).

Second half of the week is going to be killer.

Let's do this.


  1. Great job on getting back in to the running scene. Of course i l-o-v-e the Packers family photo. I've already decided that at some point in my life, I will do a photo shoot with a newborn (presumably mine :p) perched in a cheesehead. Can't wait. Ok, I TOTALLY can wait. :p

  2. Don't get stressed! You have the runners drive, you will get back into your groove. I got out of the groove as well ;/ and now I'm trying to pick up the pace for a run coming up soon. I'm opting out of the 10k and will be doing the 5k instead.

    You can do it girl! You had to start somewhere before as well. :)


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