Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, February 28, 2011

The long run...that waited, and waited....

Isn't this hat nice? This is my "Life is Good" hat I purchased this summer. Love it. As I took this self portrait, look in the background to see who decided he NEEDED to be in the picture...oh Lambeau...didn't see him until I looked at the picture. Sneaky little fella!

This past week, mid winter break for us NYC teachers, was a cup half full week. When I went to visit my family in CT last weekend, I was battling a cold, and the exhaustion won. I slept in, napped, read, and did muchadoabout NOTHING. Exactly what my body needed but never gets: Rest. So my long run last week was pushed until Tuesday, and my hoped for 8 miles turned into 5.5. My energy level this month has been L-O-W, and I have a feeling it was because my body was FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT against a germ-empowered-I-work-at-an-elementary-school cold. So, the following week in review is NOT what I thought it was going to be, but it worked. And since I skipped a week (Due to utter exhaustion) you get these reviews in a two for one special!!!

Week of February 13-19:

Sunday: 6.5 miles (Long run with my FAB friend Sara with no h!)
Monday: No running...Valentines Day...nice flowers for me, yummy dinner for him!
Tuesday: 3 miles
Wednesday: No running :-(
Thursday: 3.5 miles
Friday: No running...noticing a trend here...
Saturday: 3 miles

Week Total: 15.9 miles

Week of February 20-26:
Sunday: No running...fighting the good fight
Monday: Cold almost won...I'm not giving up
Tuesday: 5.5 miles (27 degrees, returned from CT that morning, gym was a stinky crowded MESS at 10:30am!)
Wednesday: 1 mile tempo, a 300 calorie burn on the arc and weights/yoga/crunches at the SPA!
Thursday: 3 working arms with my former neighbor/workout buddy extraordinaire*.
Friday: 3 miles of legs with my former neighbor/workout buddy extraordinaire*.
Saturday: No running. Recouping my quads from my former neighbor/workout buddy extraordinaire*.

Week Total: 12.5 miles
Month Total: 49.8 miles
*Sarah is a dear friend who moved upstate. When she comes to visit, we hit the gym...hard. It was so good to be workout partners before, and I wish she was still here now. Sarah, you rock my world and left me sore for days. With longing. Teehee.

I'll give you a hint: I don't meet my goal for the month, so it is now March's goal. But today I went on a long overdue long run...8 miles. Here are some thoughts on my run:

- I need to not schedule long runs for Sundays. Sundays are my day of rest/leisure, and I always make excuses.
- Wind is a killer sometimes
- The East River has a REALLY strong current; if I fell in, where would I end up?! The Bronx?! :-D
- I love where I live.

Here is my recovery dinner...notice Lambeau is attempting to get scraps; from the dog who is NOT allowed people food and never gets the scraps:
Ingredients: (Whoa this is a wicked long post after a week of no blogging)
- Whole grain tortilla
- Fat Free refried beans (1/4 cup or less)
- 1 tbsp onion
- 1lb of chicken sauteed with your choice of seasoning
Bake that at 350 degrees for about 8 minutes
Take out of oven and add:
- Half a tomato
- 1/4-1/2 an avocado
- 1/2 a cup of shredded cheese

Optional: Taco sauce and fat free sour cream.

In a word: divine.

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