Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, May 23, 2011


The Yankees have been struggling with it. Come on boys, get it together! Isn't this cool though? After church Brian took me to Madison Square park where they were showing the Subway Series (Mets vs. Yankees) on a big screen. Only in NYC! But let me just say, eating Shake Shack probably trumped the coolness of the game and Delta expo...Shake Shack is the best. If you haven't been, just do it.

Sunday: Rest
Monday: 4 miles
Tuesday: 3 miles (tempo)
Wednesday: 4 miles
Thursday: 3 mile (tempo)
Friday: 25 minutes Elliptical / core/strength/weights
Saturday: REST

I completed all my runs for the past two weeks. Consistency has been an issue with me in the past, especially since I work at school on Saturdays. My weekends feel shorter and crammed in so I tend to relax on the weekends. Hello long runs, how ya doin?!

After our baseball Shake Shack adventure, my running partner agreed it was time for a "long run". I did 5 miles, she did 6 (GO S!). Let's just say, eating a DELICIOUS burger and fries 3 hours before a 5 mile run is not advisable. At all. Never. Again.

But I finished. And that's what is important. This weekend was a tough one, last week threw me through a loop. If it wasn't one thing, it was something else; I was getting it from all angles. What is important is that, in the midst of it, my goal was still visible.

I've been making the sacrifices. Getting up at 5am when I DEFINITELY don't feel like it. Doing core work when I clearly feel like throwing up (ie realized how weak my core is this week!). Not hitting snooze. Oh snooze, I do miss you.

This week I will post about my fund raising goals. Please stay tuned, this is a really exciting opportunity.

I care. And so I run.

166 days until the ING NYC Marathon.

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