Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Annnnd I'm on vacation!

I thought I would have time to update before we left, but time got away from me, and here I am, on vacation! Therefore, all my adoring fans, I'll give you a quick update in pictures! ;-)
I received my order from Hammer Nutrition the day before we left! Thank goodness, I was out of everything!!! Here is what I ordered: Apple Cinnamon Gel in packets, Espresso Gel in bulk, electrolyte pills, recoverite mix (Recovery, obviously), and not the silly band that was in the picture, and I have no idea where it came from. Here are the things I did not order, but they included for me to try:
All sorts of yummy things to try out! What a great company. They ship immediately, have FedEx tracking, give 15% off for first time customers, and load me up with tons of free samples! (Also a FABULOUS business strategy! Customer service goes a long way!)

Mr. Miller surprised me with leaving a day early, so we went to Annapolis! It's a very dog friendly town, and as you can see, Lambeau made himself king of the hotel immediately.

Mr. Miller has moves. He brought me to my FAVORITE wine bar, Crush. Atmosphere is great, happy hour is an amazing deal, and the food, well, see below.

Bruschetta perfection. Brian got crab meat and I got pesto sun dried tomato. MMMMM.

Breakfast of champions! Seriously, you had to roll me out of that diner. As you can see, NO WEIGH IN THIS WEEK! I was carb loading for my 12 miler Sunday...3 days early :-D
At our favorite dock bar Pussers. It was such a nice night. Mr. Miller started our vacation off with a fabulous start. A little cross training to loosen up my muscles today, and an EARLY 12 miler beach style to beat the heat tomorrow. I did a lot of walking the past two days, but I feel a little tight. Probably from the hours of driving and sitting in the car! Blah!

CONGRATULATIONS TO MY RUNNING PARTNER SARA! She has made the decision to do 13.1 to solidify her running DOMINANCE. So excited for you Little S! 3 mile mornings unite!

77 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!

...marathon training never takes a vacation!

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