Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, August 12, 2011

Full weekend

This weekend is full! It all started last night when I got my hair cut...I took off 6INCHES! I like having long hair, and this is by no means short, but it's a HUGE change to me! It was getting too heavy for running and I was sick of combing out the knots at the end of running as it flowed gracefully through the wind...sigh, it will grow back! I really do like it. My stylist, Wendy, is FAB-U-LOUS.

I flipped my long run from tomorrow to today. I have a VERY full weekend. I did 7 miles at the park starting at 8:30am, what a change! 72 and sunny! COOL BREEZE in the shade?! What?! Heck yes I'll take this! Now if only we could duplicate this scenario for my 12 miler on vacation in VA Beach next weekend...the humid heat box known as Sandbridge Beach! I love these bridges. The second bridge is in the background. Behind it is Manhattan. I like to call this "The Tale of Two Bridges". I love saying good morning to Manhattan this way!
Celebrity sighting: I ran into OLIVIA, Biggest Loser winner from this past season! I knew she lived close to me, so it was only a matter of time before 6 degrees of separation took its course. She is the nicest person, and even let me take a quick pic so my sisters could drool and be jealous...we were all cheering for her and her sister this season! Go Purple! Oh, did I mention her husband is on my TWV marathon team?! It's a small world after all....

Weekend that is full: Oh. My. Gosh. We've been having semi fun outings and events, but this weekend is jam packed with some serious good times ahead. Tonight is a wedding of my coworker, YEA Vilma! She's going to be beautiful, and all us school teachers are ready to CEL-E-BRATE with her!!! Next up we have Packer's preseason game tomorrow...duh duh duh duh duh GO PACK GO! Green and Gold: These colors RUN! Hoping to KEEP the Title in Title Town! Then, later on tomorrow night, we have the event of the season: A White Party! For those of you who don't know, a white party is a summer event where everyone wears white; essentially it's to show of your tan ;-). I've been doing some extra sunning this week; bikini breakfasts on the balcony, park sunning with Lamby Loo, pool time with a great friend; it's all so magical. Sunday we have church and a Riverfest at the aforementioned park with food vendors from the neighborhood giving away delectable YES PLEASE! So there you have it, a great weekend ahead. I need a nap.

Weigh in: Down 1.2lbs this week! 6 week total: Down 7.7lbs! Rocking it ladies and gents, rocking it out. I feel so much fitter, I love eating healthily and I don't really feel deprived...except for the chocolate chip cookies I made and have resisted all week...until today, because it went so well with my coffee after 7 miles :-) I am going to have to start raising my calorie intake because my mileage is going up, so experimenting with fueling etc will be interesting! I'll keep you posted, I'm sure you're dying to know.

85 days until the ING NYC Marathon!!!


  1. O my gosh I'm so jelly of you meeting Olivia I love her... how cool is that

  2. super cute haircut!! So fun that you had a celebrity sighting. Doesn't it feel like a small break in the heat with a little breeze makes a HUGE difference? Have fun tonight and this weekend!

  3. Thanks girls you're adorable!!! ENJOY YOUR WEEKEND!!!


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