Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mrs. Miller got her groove back

I'm BAAAAACK from the running dead! YIPPEE! I never thought it would end, but it did. I worked endlessly on graphs, charts, color coding, boxes, bullets...if I never see microsoft word or excel again, I am a-o-k with THAT! Here are the (limited) running recaps that I have not addressed:

  • 9/16 I ran 16 miles. Boy was that tough. I ran from my school to Central Park and did one round of the loop then a 1/2 loop. I had plans on Saturday so I had to do it Friday. Now, running a long run after work was new to me...and not recommended. I hated it. I had three bathroom stops. THREE. I got so tired. It was getting DARK when I was finishing. GAH! Morning runs forever. BUT I DID IT! 16 miles is my longest yet! After that, I had a running drought due to my portfolio. FAIL.

  • I ran 4.5 miles last Thursday. It felt good to stress relieve and listen to music other than classical (Can't concentrate otherwise!)

  • 12 mile long run Saturday. It was tough with humidity like a WALL! Felt really good afterwards but had to continue working immediately when I came home. No nap for me...ok maybe I did take an hour nap because I fell asleep sitting up with my computer in my lap.

  • MY ORANGE MANDARINS ARE IN! They have now transitioned into being my official running shoe. Get ready mandarins, you are marathon bound!
This was my life for a week. Changing everything I had already worked hard on into the finished product that it became. When I presented it today, I was so nervous I was sweating a bit...ok a lot...but the AC wasn't on and it was 80 degrees and 150% humidity. My presentation went better than I expected. I was so nervous that I had worked so hard and it wasn't going to be good enough...running analogy? I'd say so. THANK YOU GOD for the strength to get through this without any, ok barely any, (major life altering) breakdowns. THANK YOU to my amazing husband for losing his wife for a week. THANK YOU to my coworkers who never ceased to come through for me. PS, is everyone enjoying seeing my handwriting?! I don't think that has ever happened on this typed out blog. Things I did in the past two days that had previously been ignored:

  • Cleaned!

  • Did laundry!

  • Made dinner!

  • Washed the dishes!

  • Vaccuumed!

  • Grocery Shopped!

  • Talked to my family!

  • I RAN 6 miles today! It was supposed to be 9, but I need to shave a few miles to get me going back in tip top shape! Trying not to freak out about this but I don't want to get injured!
This weekend is going to be FAN-TAS-TIC, just like my Lambeau puppy! He is seriously cute stuff. I have off Thursday and Friday due to Rosh Hashanah!!! So, the agenda is as follows:

  • Thursday: Lazy day. 3 mile slow run, trip to Target, maybe visit Mr. Miller at work for lunch, an all around lounge day.

  • Friday: 18 mile run! EEK! Another personal distance record!!! Thank God I have the day off. Why can't I do it Saturday? Because I will be ROCKING OUT to the Black Eyed Peas in Central Park, that's why!!! Friday night concert with tired running legs? SCORE. :-D

  • Saturday: This will be a lazy day with a possible 3-4 mile recovery run or elliptical workout in anticipation for...The A Party. My friend Amanda's birthday party is A themed; costumes must begin with an A, food must begin with an A, and drinks must begin with an A. I will be bringing Absolut Vanilla and A&W Rootbeer. Mmmm. Costume to be revealed at a later juncture.

  • Sunday: FOOTBALL. GO PACK GO. Need I say more?

What could be better than running a marathon? How about getting wicked cool stuff after running the marathon? Like, hey, guess what? TIFFANY'S MAKES ING NYC MARATHON NECKLACES! Er hmm uh Mr. Miller, heads up. This is on every wish list I could have. Or how about a shirt that brags for you? Yup. I want that too. Marathons are expensive because you need to buy all sorts of ways to show that you ran one!!! Speaking of marathons...

38 days until the ING NYC Marathon.

We're in the 30's. Holy Shnikies.

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