Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, October 14, 2011

20 miles tomorrow

It's going to be a double rainbow kind of run. I left work today after teaching my first in a series of Yoga clubs for 4th and 5th grade students. This is what I was greeted with as I sprinted to my car in a big drop rain! I can't remember the last time I saw a double rainbow. What does this mean? What does this mean?! It means I will run 20 miles tomorrow, that's what. (If you haven't seen the YouTube Double Rainbow video, join the 30 million+ who have!)

Mr. Miller joined me for a run! Albeit a short run, with some walking breaks! He finally said yes yesterday when I asked for the hundredth time, "Wanna go running with me?" It was nice running with my main squeeze, chit chatting while running instead of on the couch. Hopefully with his new schedule we'll be able to try this more often! Caution: Millers running! (I secretly think he's trying to get in shape for the Thanksgiving race, a month and a half away!)
Check out Lambeau's new jacket! It's a fall inspired quilted cover in Green Bay green with corduroy trim. The corduroy collar isn't as visible in the picture, but it gives him a very Connecticut/J Crew feel. I. Love. IT! Lambeau loves it too.

I need to rest. I have 20 miles to do tomorrow, with 30 MPH winds in the forecast. I have nothing laid out. I'm exhausted. I have to bring Mr. Miller to the airport tomorrow so he can go to Green Bay with his boys for a Packers weekend. So I'm going it alone. A girls night is planned for tomorrow night, with no promises from me on how much fun I will be. This is literally 2 miles more than I've ever run, and yet it seems like a lot more than that. I'm anxious. I want to do this strong. I fell apart at the end of my 18 miles, so I made sure to more effectively carb load the past few days (Sandwiches instead of salads for lunch, a pasta or rice with dinner vs. just vegetables...). So the plan is: Wake up at 6am, drive Mr. Miller to the airport, come back home (15 minutes round trip), get all my awesome running stuff on and situated, throw on Poco Loco (Garmin) and iPod, run to Central Park and meet my team to complete the 20 miles.

Let's do this.

22 days until the ING NYC Marathon!!!

Good night to all, and to all a good night.

1 comment:

  1. hope the 20 miler goes well! love that hubs joined you for some miles :)


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