Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Merci Beaucoup

Thank you to my husband Mr. Miller. He joined me for the last 1.5 of my 8 mile run today. We both feel like we're getting a bit under the weather, so I assumed he wouldn't want to go. He called me while I was running and said, "When are we meeting?" LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM! He's trying!!! So I finished my miles at the park and skeedaddled back to our apartment to finish the last 1.5 miles. Mr. Miller is building up for our 5 mile Thanksgiving Day Race, and I think he's doing FANTASTICALLY! Did I mention that I arrived at our apartment with precisely 1.5 miles left? I'm literally a human GPS. It's getting ridiculous. For any of you who don't know, I'm 5'2" and he is 6'2", so yes, I am that short!!!

Thank you to my coworkers/best teachers in the world. Yesterday and today I had SEVERAL congratulations and pats on the back for my 20 mile effort (Thank you Facebook!). Today my kindergarten co-teacher said "You inspire me, I'm going to try to run." An AWESOME 4th grade teacher stopped her entire class and said, "See, this is Mrs. Miller, the one I told you inspires me on Monday!" She detailed her story of telling her class that she did the breast cancer awareness walk (GO MRS. A!!! SO PROUD OF YOU!), and compared it to 20 miles. Pounding the pavement is pounding the pavement, and I'm glad to hear and see people making a change and pushing themselves to wellness AND to making a difference! I'm often modest and downplay my running efforts, but this is the first time where I'm boldly proud. God help them when I've run a marathon ;-)

Thank you French restaurant in my neighborhood. What's that messy looking dish? Oh, it's open faced truffle mushroom ravioli. AH-MAHZING (If you watch Happy Endings, you know that line). They had a Groupon AND a Living Social within a couple of months, so we've got two more visits after this one to take advantage of at a steal of a deal!

Thank you French Restaurant for having delicious desserts. This is French Coffee Panna Cotta. Um. Yum. We shared this yummy yummy yummy dessert and it was so good. I've had a sweet tooth lately, and I'm glad something was rich enough to satisfy the sweet tooth without being heavy. Just the right amount of everything!

Thank you God for beautiful weather. It has literally been the nicest fall that I can remember in my 5 years living in New York. I fully intend to enjoy the city this weekend.
Dear God, please continue this awesome display of your creation by granting us NYC Marathoners with a beautiful running day. Preferably 60 degrees and sunny. Thank you.

Thank you God that I'm going to run and finish a marathon.

18 days until the ING NYC Marathon!!!


  1. Hey! I finally caught up on your blog. I love everything you are doing. You seriously inspire me to run more. I can't comprehend how in the world you run so much (or others). I would love to learn how. Good luck with your race! You will do awesome. :)

  2. Now...I LOVE your post...but the title? The part of me that speaks French cringed a little...haha. It's not "bocu" it's beaucoup:) I tried to let it go but 10 years of French classes & grammar & spelling...I just can't!? Ok, I'm done now!

  3. Consider it changed Anna! That's what I get for googling in a hurry, I never took French! That was mr in Spanish being annoyed with people who pronounced the h sound when there wasn't one!!!


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