Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I will be a marathon finisher. Well, at least I better be a marathon finisher!!! I'm all sorts of nervous. I thought I'd enjoy the taper, which I have, but I think I'm getting some taper crazies. It doesn't feel like I'm running a marathon in 6 days. (BTW, the marathon countdown has the days left plus the hours; so, it's really 7 days away. I like saying 6 days better, because in countdowns, the actual day never really counts!) Mentally, I'm in constant battle to think about the fact that I'm running 26.2 miles next Sunday, and my runs are similar to when I first started the training! Taper crazies!Speaking of taper crazies: How about that Nor'easter?! We got hammered, and not even close to what my family in Connecticut got! We spent the entire day indoors yesterday. I don't even know where my winter coat is...still ;-) We cooked, worked on my carb levels, watched movies (Transformers and Something Borrowed), cleaned, cooked more, worked on carb levels was a great day! It had the feeling of a school snow day. Mr. Miller, Lambeau and I definitely enjoyed a very lazy day filled with fleece blankets and sweat-style clothing.
SNOW BALL FIGHT! I almost got out and joined in the fun. Then I realized that would probably be stranger danger to these city kids.
Fall foliage??? Yea, I love foliage, but this is definitely a new twist on the idea. Seriously, heavy snow, slushy snow, it was a mess. Thankfully I got out of Saturday school right when the worst started, so I got home as everything was starting to accumulate.
Hello ING NYC Marathon ad taped onto a fabulous Sports Authority window display! When I began to plan my 8 mile run on our drive home from church today, I realized I needed my cold weather gear! Whaaaat? I'm so not ready for this white stuff and 40 degree temperatures! I picked up some toe socks from a running store in midtown to see if that would help the nasty blister/crater on the inside of my big toe. I had to gear up. Head band, gloves, long sleeves, pants (Ah pants, I love you but miss my shorts), it took me about 20 minutes just to locate my cold weather accessories.
How about a ridiculously good 8 mile run??? Yea, that's me, post run, ready for more. Remember when I said I hadn't seen 10's on my mile averages since my mileage got upped? Well, how about seeing 9's in my average?! My 8 mile average was 9:49, incredible for me. Especially since mile 8 was 8:59! This was a great confidence booster in the midst of my marathon crazies. I will definitely be taking it easy during the rest of my runs this week. I don't want to over do it and have tired legs.

Marathon plan. I'm drafting. Thinking and drafting. Any advice on pace? I feel like I'm going to have to hold back because of excitement; I don't want to over do it in the first part and have no gas left to bring it home. My tentative plan is getting to 20 miles, seeing how I feel, and pushing hard to the finish. Now, I know I may feel great, then at 24 want to chop off my own legs. So should I hold back until miles 23/24? Advice is VERY welcome.

6 days until the ING NYC Marathon!!!

...I can't wait to drink some WINE in a week! I MISS IT!

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