Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, October 10, 2011

Taking the scenic route

14 miles had to wait until Sunday. I don't think I've pushed a single long run to Sunday during marathon training, mainly because it throws off the week of training more than a push up to Friday etc. Well, as my previous post attested, I was NOT into the long run being pushed up to Friday. I was exhausted. With the travel day to Rochester Saturday to visit Mr. Miller's parents, I knew an afternoon run wouldn't be smart either. Good thinking Mrs. Miller: it was 85 DEGREES IN ROCHESTER NY! UNHEARD OF! I was very confused, but preferred it over wearing a jacket and shivering ;-) Therefore, after a great day of Miller in-laws lunching, apple picking, donut eating, and hanging out with some fabulous old friends, I called it a night with a long run on the horizon:

Side note Confession: I have passed this sign so many times during college and visiting Mr. Miller's family, and I've always thought, "How great would it be to be a marathoner and say you live in MARATHON!?" I wish this sign wasn't on a highway. I would have gotten out for a photo opp. Back to my long run: this is the scenery I enjoyed:

I love train tracks. I was SO stoked about these train tracks, I wish I had taken a picture without me in it. Because I kind of look like a boy in my running gear. Oh well. I actually got stuck for about 2 minutes at these tracks on my way back because there was an actual train passing! People still use trains??? ;-)
Bridges! There were tons! I ran along the Erie Canal. My father-in-law (Self proclaimed blog stalker! He asked questions about my training issues I've mentioned on the blog...POINTS TO MY BLOG STALKING FAMILY!) mapped out my route, and it was pretty swell. Funny story: I was stopped three separate times by people trying to get to a flea market. The first time the car's window wasn't working, so they slowed and opened the door in front of me...I thought I was going to have to go NYC Street K-Millz on some Rochesterians getting into my space, but thankfully, they just wanted directions. (Of course I had no idea where they needed to go...but wouldn't we all love to get a glimpse of NYC Street K-Millz?! It takes a very special situation for that to happen.)
Speaking of NYC Street K-Millz...I ended up in the Bronx?! No, but this sign brought a smile to my face. Mile 20 in the Bronx is apparently a lonely time while getting to know "the wall", so this is a good memory that will keep me running during the marathon.
Hello love affair. First of all, the Miller in-laws bath tub is a jacuzzi, so my ice cold recovery soak involved massaging jets! It was revolutionary! It was definitely more bearable to soak in frigid water, and my legs thoroughly enjoyed it. Then, when I was sore later on, there was an OUTDOOR hot tub to soak in! Runner's heaven! Yup. It was nice. I miss it already. Warm shower later on to soak away the stress maybe? No. It's just not the same.

Thoughts post run: I'm still a bit sore. Coach Jen recommended taking some extra B6 vitamins, which I will be picking up tomorrow. Because things were pushed back, I have a 10 mile run tomorrow. I don't think I'll injure myself, but I can't be too careful. I'm going to try for 5, see if my legs loosen, and go from there. (Of course this is killing me inside. Better safe than sorry this close to the race!)

I watched the Chicago Marathon live streaming. I had chills all over the place. A few tears because I saw people struggling at the finish. Wow. Inspirational! And guess what? 1,000 runners were running for Team World Vision!!! Even better: 4 people from Team World Vision completed a 100 mile run to see 100 children sponsored! That's 400 children altogether! Check out this awesome blog recapping this incredible journey. I still need PLENTY of sponsors for kids in need of food, clean drinking water, clothes, and education. Please consider being a life-changing child sponsor today.

CONGRATS TO SARA! My very good friend finished her first half marathon in Staten Island. Love you girl, SOOOOOOOO proud of you!

More pictures to come from the weekend. Until then...

26 days until the ING NYC Marathon!!!

...did I mention I'm running 20 miles this Saturday? I'm currently in hyperventilation/avoidance mode...

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