Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, November 21, 2011

I am thankful for health!

This was our Christmas Card photo last year, taken on Thanksgiving 2010. I love CONNECTICUT! Red barns and evergreens! BRING. IT. ON!

I'm so excited for Thanksgiving!!! It is a strong rival with Christmas in my favorite holidays category. I love Christmas because it celebrates God's amazing gift to us. The joy and love in the season is wonderful. However, Thanksgiving is very selfless, it's not about presents, but rather time spent with family and friends. This year my Miller-in-Laws are joining the McAuliffes! Watch out Connecticut! It will be so great to have Mr. Miller's parents joining us for Thanksgiving. This is also their first experience with the Manchester Road Race, I'm so excited for them to see my CRAZY community celebration! I seriously can't wait for mashed potatoes. Also, my mom's homemade pies (Baked fresh this Wednesday afternoon!) are to.die.for. Speaking of food...

Every year, I try to make Thanksgiving as healthy as possible. Easier said than done, yes?! Well, I try. And that's what matters. For the past three years, my Yoga Club at school has taken the "Thanksgiving Challenge". This entails 4 Levels:
Level 1: Do yoga everyday over break.
Level 2: Take a 15 minute walk after a big meal instead of video games or a nap.
Level 3: Bring someone on the walk!
Level 4: Teach someone yoga.
Level 5: Take one serving of everything, and wait 10 minutes after you're done before you decide to get seconds; chances are you'll be stuffed! I take this challenge seriously, as do my 4th and 5th graders. I also add in my own challenges. First up: The Manchester Road Race:Race Goals:
1. Have fun.
2. Get some decent pictures. This is like a Where's Waldo photo! That's me in the Green Bay hat (10-0...WHAT WHAT!!!). Brian is in the guy in the grey shorts saying hi to Lambeau Puppy. My dad is in the red jacket holding Lambeau Puppy. Lambeau Puppy is the cute dog being held by my red jacket dad. Coach Jen is in the NC Blue fleece. There's a little one in a red jacket next to my red jacket dad, that's my nephew Coach Jen's Number 3. Ok, seriously? The photo needs too much of an explanation! So yea. We'll stop. We'll smile. We'll hug.
3. PR? Eh, I've done it every year except 2004, so I might as well try. So 48:18 is the goal :-D
4. Wear a costume. I usually just wear something average or Packers-ish. Mr. Miller has a little something picked out. We'll see what I come up with!

My years in numbers:
2010: 48:19
2009: 49:47
2008: 49:52
2007: 52:54
2006: Don't think I raced and I'm not sure why
2005: Broken toe = no Manchester Road Race that year :-(
2004: 54:26
2003: 51:47
2002: 62:49

I have other fitness goals too, you know! In addition to doing my club's yoga challenge, I will also be adding in some at home and gym activity that I'll try to keep up regularly. Goals include:
- Doing 100 crunch style moves without wanting to puke. (I do a blend of pilates moves, keep my abs guessing!) BTW, my core is W-E-A-K. I want to remedy that STAT.
- 25 push ups. Let's start small and see how it goes. I currently can do, oh, 5-8.
- Strength train at least once a week. When I got checked out at my chiropractor, he highly recommended I take up my strength training that I did over the summer, because shoot girl, your lower back is weak! (My words, not his.)

So, healthy Thanksgiving weekend it will be. I'm hoping to get a run in with coach Jen, although she is a tad faster and better trained currently. I also plan on continuing this routine in December because, let's be honest, my cookie swap is December 3 and I tend to have a morning cookie with my coffee every day in December. They may be small, but an extra 80-100 calories adds up quick (560-700 a week!)! So calorie BURN will be a huge goal in December.

Per Usual, read my mind. To continue the runner's depression study, check out the article "Now What" which appeared in my inbox today!

Are YOU running in a Thanksgiving Day race?! Say it loud, say it proud! Gobble gobble!

1 Day until the Manchester Road Race!


  1. I am doing the challenge! I may not do yoga everyday, but some intense strength training and cardio! Got to keep my sanity while indulging. I am with you on this, girl!!

  2. Aw, sorry you're sick! Hope you get some good rest in while you're visiting with the family! You'll be back to running in no time! I'm sadly not doing a race tomorrow, but focused on eating carefully and getting some exercise in too!


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