Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 Goals: #makeitcount

Big announcement! I got twitter! @mrsmillersmiles. We'll see how this goes!

2012 Goals will be ever changing. Just as life throws new obstacles and plans change, I plan on adapting and reexamining my goals monthly. I'll have big goals, as listed here. Then I'll have monthly goals, which will be recapped on the first of each month. I believe in attainable goals; not easy goals. Attainable goals are ones which are in your power to accomplish, yet require sacrifice and hard work.

I want 2012 to be The Year of Giving. I want to be more generous in life; generous with time, talents, and resources. This week I thought long and hard about a theme for the year, and I kept thinking of the NYC marathon (obviously, when do I not think if my marathon glory days?!), and I love that running meant something to more than just me; I gave, others gave, and impoverished children received. I want to continue using whatever I have to be more giving in every aspect of my life. As the Nike running campaign states, #makeitcount. I want this year to really count.

So, duh duh duh dun! The 2012 Attainable Big Goals:

1. Stay organized. I'm not, Mr. Miller is, so I want to make an effort to give my time toward keeping a clutter free home.
2. Put in more thoughtfulness into relationships. My good friend AD in Florida sent me a a sympathy card when my grampy passed, an anniversary card, and a Christmas card. She always remembers things, and I want to be more giving in my relationships.
3. Read three books that will help me this year. I hate motivational books, but I know they help change you for the better, so I will try to read three this year! (up from half a book this year!)
4. Complain less.

1. Help new runners complete challenging races. My next half marathon is in March, and I have one but possibly three friends who want to run their first half. I would rather help others cross the finish line than get a PR for me. If I get a sub 2 hour half this year, awesome. If not? Who did I help cross the finish line?
2. Cross train regularly. I've been having hip cracking issues, and weight training etc will help solve it.
3. Try workouts from Shape magazine at least once. I love this magazine and always intend on trying the workouts, but I usually flake. Not in 2012!!!
4. Run races that benefit causes close to my heart. I don't do a ton of races, because quite frankly they can be expensive. However, when I do run races, I want it to be about more than the run. #makeitcount
5. Get 100 followers on the ol bloggy blog! Somewhat running related :-)

January Goals:
1. Run at least one mile every day in January.
2. Send five cards to five friends.
3. Finish all yoga and Pilates groupons that expire at the end of January.
4. Do something completely selfless for a stranger.

If you made it this far, wow. Maybe you should follow the blog if you haven't already seeing as you committed to reading a really long post, why not follow and see how it turns out?!

Happy commencement of The Year Of Giving. #makeitcount

In 2012, no matter what: I'd still run!


  1. SO freaking happy you finally got twitter!! Get ready to be addicted. Like seriously addicted.

    also, i'm running 13.1!! So we should train together soon!

  2. I look forward to reading along with you and your goals! Best of luck!

  3. You're right about races being expensive! The thought of two in one month makes me crazy. I am hoping my races will give me some boosts of confidence though, especially running shorter distances.

    I love the idea of simple, monthly goals!


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