Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Keeping relationships running

I have many important relationships in my life. Some of these relationships are personal, some are running related, work related, or school related. It takes a lot to make these relationships work. This weekend Mr. Miller and I went on a marriage retreat this weekend with our church. We heard a couple speak about their lives as a married couple for 39 years, and ways to keep the relationship going. This is my most important relationship:Yes, we will be on a beach soon. (Circa VA Beach pre Hurricane Irene 8/2011) So, my dear bloggy friends, here are some of the things I learned. Don't be afraid to speak what your needs are; it takes courage to do it, and cowardice to "stuff it" until you blow up. Also, don't end conversations/arguments too soon. Finish it. Don't walk away. I also asked the "wife" speaker "How do I make sure I don't put running before my family?" She said to do what I already do: wake up early and get it done on my time. That's been a fear of mine with having kids. I don't want them to resent me for leaving or think I care about it more than them. This runner is a good example of the balance I hope to keep (While running WAY less miles! She's a beast!).

Similarly, you have to keep your relationship with running going strong. It takes courage to run the extra mile, get up early, be a little sore. When you "stuff it", or throw away workouts, you may end up with injury or a botched training cycle. On the other hand, don't feel guilty when life gets in the way. Remember what's important. Balance is the key. "Should" and "Shouldn't" are guilty words; I'm going to try to use them less!

Find people to run with. If you haven't already, try it. They push you. They keep you grounded in your "crazy moments". Fly solo if that's your thing, but having even one friend to talk with about running makes a world of difference.

People you run with make a regular Sunday run like a scavenger hunt...oh wait, that's just me today! A fellow Connecticut girl put out a twitter blast asking for a running I responded "Come to Queens" because no one comes to Queens, but I wanted to run with her. Wouldn't you know, she came! However, I underestimated the distance to the 59th st Bridge (Thought it was 1.25 miles from my house, it's 2.2). So, we missed each other by 5-8 minutes. Sad day.

I looked for her on the bridge:
I thought my Uconn CT "bat signal" would direct our paths to cross. Alas, not today.
It was a COLD run! I loved it. 7.1 miles because I decided 4 just wasn't enough. I had seen my friend Kristin, also running the 13.1 NYC as a first time half marathoner, on my way to the bridge. She told me she did 7 miles. That sounds like a great number! I ran the bridge into Manhattan and then came back to Queens. I had a lot of memories from the marathon on that bridge, specifically training and wishing people would "run or get out of the way" during mile 15.

Friends who run help you finish races in heels. I remembered my friend Mrs. Gray jumping into the marathon with me at 95th St. and 5th Ave. She was in heels, but she joined me for a good 1/4 mile (I am the orange shirt and black shorts on the left, she is the heeled white purse carrying BFF). I remembered how she pushed me and now I'm helping to push her. This week she had a rough training week, full of "Should's" and "Shouldn'ts". She smacked 6.1 miles out of the ballpark! I'm so proud of my little first time half marathon running friend. She's going to do so well!
Do you run with people or friends? Who do you talk to about the highs and lows of your running life? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

Running and Cross training my way because it's...
9 days until Cancun and Winter Polka Dot Bikini!!!
38 Days until the 13.1 NYC half marathon!!!


  1. Your sad face is so cute. Wish you didn't have it, but cute nonetheless.

  2. I do a little bit of both. I run by myself during the week but with friends for my long runs!


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