Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Through rain, cold, win, and wet socks...

I will run.

This week has not been my best. Polka Dot bikini workout regimen has NOT gone as planned. After Sunday's likeitloveitgottahaveit 7 mile run, I was feeling pretty good. Then Sunday night/Monday I started to feel achy, heady, and all around exhausted yucky. This continued until I got a full 9 hours of sleep last night.

Today. Today I felt more aware, less dazed and confused, and guilty for not working out. Yup. I love to do it, so not doing it makes me sad and long for it. Also, I half attribute my sluggishness to my lack of sweating it out...but then I don't sweat it out because I'm scared of tripping/fainting etc. What a conundrum. Today was not that day. Today, I had a great day at work. A day filled with students saying,

"Mrs. Miller, thank you for helping me learn. Thank you for teaching me." Kindergarten Special Education student who rarely puts sentences together like that.

"Mrs. Miller, you're really the best teacher." 1st Grade student who lives with her grandma; her parents live in China.

So yea, I had some humbling yet inspiring moments today. I came home with a temptation to nap. I assessed myself and realized I was able bodied, not lacking too badly in the energy department, so I decided to give it a go. I ran my favorite route in the park, because all hard runs should be done on your FAVORITE route. It was like an Ansel Adams gallery:
I used to be obsessed with Ansel Adams in college. This obsession MAY or may not be making a comeback. It was the worst, dreariest day ever. Rain off and on, cold, humid, wind, ugh. To top it all off, my socks got wet. My biggest pet peeve EVER. Thank God I've only run one race in the rain, and it was a misty rain at that.

Despite it all, I ran. I ran slow. I enjoyed it. I also made sure I didn't get lazy and trip, because half way through I was TIRED. I didn't have music. I enjoyed the quiet. There were 5 people in the park. I counted. Also notable: 3 CUTE doggies. Love those creatures.

Lots of great things on the horizon. In case you didn't catch the countdown at the bottom of previous posts, SPOILER ALERT: Mr. Miller and I are going to Cancun with three other FABULOUS couples in FIVE DAYS. We're also going to Connecticut this weekend before our Mexican Fiesta to drop off Lambeau puppy for a country holiday. I can't wait to see my family; it's been a month and a month too long. I usually go about 1-2 months in between seeing them, but the comfort of home will be an invited change to what has felt like a HECTIC January-February. Tomorrow at 2:30, Mid Winter break will commence! YEA! Also, I received some good news at work. I will be working an after school program that they added to help students who are not meeting grade standards. This will mean an extra hour and a half of work Tuesday-Thursday. With teaching my Yoga Club and Saturday School, this is a lot on my plate. My time management will be seriously challenged, and hopefully enhanced! (AKA 5am mornings will be B-A-C-K!)

Check out this awesome oatmeal know I love those crazy oats!

Do you bounce back from rough weeks? Do you have any good stuff on the horizon?! TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!

Running and Cross training my way because it's...
5 days until Cancun and Winter Polka Dot Bikini!!!
33 Days until the 13.1 NYC half marathon!!!...5 weeks!


  1. Ahh! Your kids are adorable! Sometimes we just need that one sweet comment or note to remember that it's all worth it! And CANCUN??? Sounds amazing!

  2. when I went to Yosemite, every time I turned around all I could think was "I've seen this in an Ansel Adams photo" it was breath taking. Super jealous of your Cancun trip. Next time can I puppy sit your adorable pooch!?

  3. My name is Alyssa, and I am a senior Sociology major at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Washington. I am currently working in
    conjunction with my professor, Michelle Janning, on a project in which we are studying self-presentation in the blogosphere. We have selected
    about 30 healthy living blogs to study, and yours happens to be one of them. I would like to interview each blogger. Would you be interested in participating in my study? Participation will require no more than an hour of your time, and interviews will be done via online questionnaire. Thank you in advance for your time!



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