Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, April 9, 2012

Glad Game Monday X

Yet again, Glad Game Monday finds me in a pickle! I was supposed to be going to VA Beach with two fabulous teacher friends, and when I had contacted the gentleman who was letting us stay in his beach house (for free) he had mixed up the weeks and someone was in the house. Uh. It's 12 hours until DEPARTURE! So, my beach vacation, albeit chilly beach vacation, is now cancelled. In its place is a "staycation", so I'm glad I live in the best city in the world.

Let the Glad Games Commence! And may the odds be ever in your favor.

I'm glad we had a nice weekend in CT celebrating Easter! We even got a nice family photo:
I'm glad that I have sisters. Even though one is missing (Tear: Mrs. Waite we miss you!), they're lovely. Coach Jen keeps me motivated and gives me tough love when I'm a baby, and Mrs. Peoples continually seeks my (superior) fashion advice. Clearly I'm a fashion icon. (Missing is the picture where my STELLAR black pumps are located...apparently the grass isn't grown in enough for a proper photo!)

I'm glad that I have a running goal this week. Readers, prepare yourselves! I have a fabulous series that's going to happen this week. I'm going to run in different places besides my typical spots (Local park or Central Park). So, if you're thinking about visiting NYC or live here, don't miss reading about the different spots you can run in!!!

I am glad that it's not raining the entire week. At least I'll get to run NYC in nice weather!!!

I'm glad that Bubba won The Masters! No golf fan here, let me tell you that first and foremost. It's boring. However, his story was addicting, new baby, death in the family, wife survived breast cancer, FIRST Major win and it's THE MASTERS! Glory to God! (As his wife proudly proclaimed on Twitter. They know where their help comes from!!!)

What are you glad about?! Are you glad that you don't live in Panem? Are you glad that Easter candy will disappear and no longer taunt you?! TELL ME ABOUT IT!!!

1 comment:

  1. bummed that your trip was canceled, but a staycation sounds good too.
    I'm glad that I am no longer babysitting & on spring break. I am also glad that it is nice enough out for me to bring up my bike from the basement!


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