Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, May 21, 2012

Glad Game Monday XIV

Ugh. It's a rainy nasty MONDAY! Complete with humidity, a bad hair day, AND a thunderstorm that made me worry about Lambeau puppy for hours. Alas, join me in choosing to think about the good things in life and be GLAD on the day that most choose to gripe! It feels me!

I'm glad for friends and Manhattan rooftops. Yesterday was the perfect day. Church, tacos, friends, rooftops, and a proposal written in the sky. According to my Twitter insiders, #christinehall said yes. Thank goodness, we were all worried! We spent the day lounging and enjoying a quintessential day before a three day rain fest. Oh rain, trying so hard not to hate on you! 

I'm glad there are cheap stores near my school. As I walked into school with my runmute bag in tow I said, "I think I forgot my shorts!" I opened my gym bag to see that yes, in fact, I forgot my short for my runmute with my latest protege, Ms. Kiernan. Although I was wary due to the scantily clad mannequins in the window, I found some Champion shorts at the local clothing store for $3. They're also technically Green Bay colors. Score.

I'm glad Ms. Kiernan signed up for her first HALF MARATHON!!! I was so stoked about that today. However, I was NOT stoked about this wife was making me laugh..ugh. Anyway, she pulled the trigger on the Hampton's Half Marathon, and I didn't really have to do much convincing. I'll be coaching her through her training and race; this will be a training run for me for the ING NYC Marathon! YEAAA!

I'm glad I saved a puppy dog today. (My 4th in two years) As Lambeau and I were walking, a CUTE little poodle something or other came up and became L Puppy's instant friend...without a collar or a leash. Uh oh. I let the pooch warm up to me, and it was really obedient. Unfortunately, it was drizzling and no one yelled for their missing dog to come home. I asked a few passers by if they recognized the pup and no one did. I resigned to ringing door bells, when the puppy ran up the front steps of an apartment building a few doors down. Finally FINALLY on the third doorbell I got an answer. The poor 13 year old owner didn't even know her dog was roaming the streets! I was one minute away from bringing her home; she was such a sweet little puppy. I hope to see her in the neighborhood again with her owner in tow!

If you need anything else to be glad about, watch this video about an awesome church in Ventura, CA, who threw an amazing prom for the disabled kids in their community:

So. There you have it. Tons to be rainy glad about. What are you glad about? Is school almost done for you non-New York teachers?! Did Bart Yasso Tweet you back? Did the Brooklyn half rock your world? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

166 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!


  1. I've been thinking about training for a half-marathon but I'm nervous! Maybe I will try it.

    I still have 3 weeks of school over here in Michigan!!! AHHH!!!! Have a great rest of the school year.

  2. Hi Kristin,
    I just found your blog and wanted to say hi! I'm doing the Hamptons Half Marathon too and it will be my first half marathon. I'm a NYC girl but I'm finishing up a year teaching English in Sicily so I've been running here, but then will be back in NY in August to really kick my training into gear. Are you an ESL teacher? I'm considering going to graduate school for ESL but haven't decided for sure yet!
    Good luck on your NYC marathon training and perhaps see you in the Hamptons! :)

  3. That is a lot to be happy about in a week! I'm pretty excited about working less this summer and enjoying more time at home.


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