Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Trying New Things in Training

I've been trying new things!!! Yes, it's true! I've been trying to get out of my old rut of things and branch out. After a fabulous weekend, I tried a few new things this week.

I worked out with Mr. Miller's test group Monday. I mentioned that Mr. Miller is part of a group testing out a new work out program. Well, I went and did the Insanity workout with them on Monday. Basically, I'm STILL sore. More sore than I was from my marathon. I almost threw up three times. And Tanya, from the dvd? She was in front of me; in PERSON. I tried but definitely have room for improvement. Oh, wait, a challenging workout that leaves me sore is what I need?! How CONVENIENT because... 

I won an AWESOME workout package from a GREAT blog!!! I am so excited to be the winner of this blog giveaway! Not only do I live in the same hood as this blogger, but I am going to be COMPLETELY challenged by attending these cross-fit type classes. Oh, and they're pretty expensive, so you can bet that I'm going to be putting in 100%, aka super sore! Plus I get to go to these classes with my new friend...

Insert: a fellow New Englander, lover of cooking and RUNNING neighbor! Could this be true?! Well, it is. Mrs. Epicurious and I got together Tuesday night for the hottest of hottest runs. We had a great time and I'm really excited to have someone in my hood who loves running and cooking! It was hot, slow, and the beginning of what I believe will be a beautiful friendship. Unfortunately, no amazing photographs, our sheen would have most likely botched any photo ;-)

This was my scene Tuesday night and this morning. Trees + breeze = semi relief. The park was slim pickings this morning, unlike last nights OVERLOAD crowd. Love this community.

Speaking of community: I'm meeting an out of town blogger! Yes, it's true. I'm meeting a fabulous high school teacher from Chicago who has a love affair with my beloved NYC Friday. I'm branching out people. Big events.

I've also done some consistent yoga and foam rolling because of my insanity soreness. Good things to try. Meeting new people, running with new people, trying to keep my body loose...overall a good week. Lambeau agrees these are all great changes.

What have you been dabbling in lately?! New socks? A new running route or workout routine? A new eating regimen? TELL ME ABOUT IT! 

157 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!


  1. Your dog is sooooo cute!

    Also, I am pumped for our class next week! I'm so, so glad I have someone awesome to do it with. We are going to be so sore, but well worth it.

    See you next week :)

  2. Just found your blog, and I've enjoyed reading through some of your posts! I've seen the infomercial for the Insanity workout, and it is does look "insane"! I doubt I would make it half way through it. It's always good to try new things, whether it is with your workouts or in other areas of your life. Nothing better than the feeling you get when you accomplish something that you never thought you could do.

  3. yayy I'm excited for all these new things for you! But i'm majorly jealous you're meeting an out of town blogger that isn't me :( wahhh. New things for me recently? Can I still say completing a marathon? I'll use that one as long as I can :) happy thursday!


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