Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, June 7, 2012

10k Race Plan

Who is running the Women's Mini 10k?! I am! I am! I checked my only 10k race, the Mini 10k in 2009, and I'm proud to say my time was 59:27! I was thinking about my goals for this race, which I am running and coaching my friend Ms. Kiernan through, and I thought "A sub 1:00 is easy enough." Apparently I've been there done that! Ms. Kiernan, you better lace up and come ready to run. She's also 6 inches taller than me, so I think that SHE will give me a run for my money!

A detriment to fast running: I'm trying out a new fitness class tonight. I'm going with a fabulous blogger who had a giveaway that I won. Needless to say, this class is going to use some sleepy muscles that need to be awakened, which may cause a good way. Hopefully I'll recover by Saturday!

This is the second packet pickup that Lambeau Puppy has come to! He loves going on the train in his little bag, peeking his head out to people watch. We walked around the Upper East Side and met such cute poochies. NYRR even had doggy treats for him! Swag for all, swag for all. 

Ms. Kiernan and I LOVE the cloth swag bags!!! Hello adorable lunch bag! Lara bars, Mini 10k hair ties, sun screen, good stuff. Loved seeing Sparkly Soul there with their fabulous hair bands. 

Are YOU running the Women's Mini 10k this weekend?! Racing anywhere else? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

1 comment:

  1. I hope the race went well, lady! I love the new blog look!


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