Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, June 22, 2012

Training Tips: Half Marathon

Happy Weekend!!! I hope you are all beating the heat AND massive thunderstorms if you're in the northeast! Today will be another GREAT installment in the guest post training tips series! So far great bloggers have posted about training for new distances, 5k's, and, well, I skipped 10k's, so check out my 10k race report as a poor replacement ;-). Maybe that will happen soon, but apparently I messed up my requests to fellow bloggers. End of the school year madness. So, if you're thinking about running a half marathon, check out my friend Leticia's advice. She is such an inspiration! She has lost 90lbs and is a fit and fab runner. I'm so glad I have gotten to meet this lovely lady!!! Enjoy!

Name: Leticia Ana
Twitter Name: LAMhookem

Distance to be discussed: 13.1

What distances have you trained for? I've trained for and completed 4 half marathons. My first was last September where I ran the Rock and Roll Philly Half. I ran Rock and Roll DC in March, More/Fitness in April, and the Brooklyn Half this May. In July I begin training for my very first marathon: the NYC Marathon in November. 

What is your favorite training distance? I love running 10-13 miles. 

What are your top training recommendations? Embrace the long run, it's the most important run of the week. Don't try to be a hero, instead find a comfortable pace and keep it till the final 2-3 miles and turn it up to race pace. Also, take the rest days. They are vital! 

What, if any, training plans did you follow? For my first half I trained with Hal Higdon's Novice Plan and followed it to a T. Since then I have obtained a running coach who formulates my running plan. 

How do you fuel? In a half marathon: I eat 4/5 GU Chomps 15-20 minutes before the race begins. I take an Accel Gel around mile 8, and one at mile 12 if I feel like I need it. My favorite kind is Strawberry Kiwi, no caffeine. 

What was your favorite place to train? Central Park. It's tough, but the hills will help you be ready for any course you will encounter. 

What is your mantra, or a quote for inspiration? Find your strong. No excuses. 

Please add anything you feel is important to let people know how they can get started running and training: Anyone can do this! In the spring of 2010 I ran my first mile on the treadmill and never dreamed that I'd be a runner today. There will be good and bad days in your training days, but take them as they come and never give up. Don't compare your accomplishments to others, there will always be someone who is faster than you... and usually someone slower. Run for you, find your happy place, and finish strong. 

THANK YOU, LETICIA! I agree, anyone can do this! Leticia went from running a mile on the treadmill to becoming a strong, confident, flourishing runner! If you're thinking about running a half marathon, set the goal and go for it! It is recommended that you be able to run for about 60 minutes before you begin safely training to avoid stress/overuse injuries. Build up to that and go from there! For more information on half marathons, visit some of my favorite sites: and

What is your best 13.1 advice?! Putting body glide everywhere?! Mixing in cross training? Selecting the perfect playlist to pump up your runs?! TELL ME ABOUT IT! 

134 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!! 


  1. Beth@RxBethOnTheRunJune 22, 2012 at 7:52 PM

    Spinning twice a week and strength training twice a week definitely made me a stronger runner and helped me finish my first half marathon, the NYC Half, strong back in March 2012. Creating a playlist that was a combination of songs a 14 year old girl would listen to and songs that reminded me of the amazing people in my life that I love so much and supported me through training and the race was key in those tough moments!!!

  2. I love the half, too! No matter where I am in the training / my running, I always follow Hal's plans to a T as well:)


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