Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, June 29, 2012

Training Tips: Marathon

So, you're thinking about running a marathon? Well, you've come to the right blog today! So far we've read training tips about trying new distances, running a 5k, a 10k race recap, and running a half marathon. Now, it's the big one! 26.2! I'm so excited to share this guest post. Jocelyn is a great runner who also happens to be from my beloved state of Connecticut! She has some great tips for runners considering going the distance for a full marathon. Get ready to want to start looking for fall marathons pronto! Enjoy!

Name:  Jocelyn
Twitter Name: @enthusiasticrun        

When was the first time you ran this distance?
The first time I ran a marathon was the NYC Marathon in 2010.  I signed up to run for Autism Speaks in June of 2010, a week after I finished my first half marathon.  By the way, the half marathon was my 2nd time running over 8 miles.  YIKES.  So I was NOT much of a “runner” when I decided to run my first full marathon.  

What was the good?
Oddly enough, training was the good part of my first marathon.  I loved waking up every weekend for my long run.  

What was the bad?
Not going to lie, the marathon wasn’t wonderful.  I walk/ran most of the last six miles.  I don’t think I was prepared for how mentally tough 26.2 miles was going to be.

What was the ugly?
Training for a marathon is very time consuming so be prepared to give up some of your other activities.  I don’t think it’s an “ugly” part of training, but it’s something that everyone should be aware of.  

Now that you've ran this distance more than once, what are your top three pieces of advice?

1.  Find Running Friends.  A big difference between running my 1st vs. my 2nd marathon was that I trained with friends during long runs my second time around.  I think that running with friends can help improve your running times, give you more confidence, and also be more fun!
2.  Get a Running Coach.  I know to some people this might seem silly, but I highly recommend getting a Running Coach if you have a goal time that you would like to achieve.  I think there is a big misconception that Running Coaches are expensive (and some definitely are!), but I think you can always find a Coach in your price range.
3.  Figure out what works early on.  For the last two marathons I have waited until the last month to figure out my fueling plan, and my outfit.  When in reality I probably should have been working on this four months earlier.

What, if any, training plans did you follow? 
Hal Hidgon Beginner MarathonTraining Plan worked well for my 1st marathon.  

How do you fuel?
I drink Nuun after before and after every long run.  I usually eat a Picky Bar before a run.  During a run, I only eat Clif Shots in Mocha flavor.

What was your favorite race at this distance?
Definitely the Half Marathon.  It’s less intimidating than a Full Marathon, but it still gives me the distance where I feel like I accomplished something.

What is your mantra, or a quote for inspiration?
“Never Quit Something You Start”.  My parents always used to say this to me growing up when I wanted to quit a team.  And I have to say that I have never, ever quit a team or a race, so the lesson obviously stuck with me.

Please add anything you feel is important to let people know about this distance: 
Be prepared to want to run a 2nd marathon after your 1st!  You will definitely catch the running bug.

Thanks, Jocelyn! #ctforlife! What great advice. I agree on the fueling, outfits etc. I had my fueling plan down by August and my outfit picked in September for a November marathon. If you're looking for a great running coach, this is Jocelyn's amazing coach and this is a local NYC coach who's pretty spectacular

Have you run a marathon before? Are you thinking about it? Which one was your favorite? Any other advice? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

128 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!


  1. Thanks for letting me guest post on your blog!!

  2. Thank you for mentioning me, Kristin! I'm excited to follow your training for marathon #2 and look forward to cheering you on at the finish in Nov =)


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