Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, July 16, 2012

Glad Game Monday XII

Well hey there, hot and humid MONDAY! What a week, weekend, and MONDAY!  How have you all been? Partying it up summer style? Laying low in the AC? I've been doing a bit of both. No matter how great, how neutral, or how downright awful your Monday was, let's get GLAD and think of things that make us smile! Let the Glad Game begin!

I'm glad I finally got to the beach! Last summer was an epic FAIL where beach going is concerned, so I'm glad that we took some time to go. It may have been overcast, but the water, sand and occasion breeze was downright perfect. 

I'm glad I took this picture. I can't believe how perfectly amazing it is. Oh, and that guy? I'm glad he's all mine :-D

I'm glad I made a new friend in a runmeet! I sent out a faint tweet into the abyss asking if anyone would like to run near Gramercy. This not my usual running area so I figured, heck, maybe someone would want to run it too? Well, it turns out that Ashley was game and I totally enjoyed meeting her. She kept me right on pace; runs go by so quickly when you're getting to know someone! I did 3 miles with her and turned around...only 6 miles this weekend :-( The increase begins again next weekend; I'm glad for that! We also happened to run into my husband who was doing a crazy scavenger to love NYC. Of all the places he could have been, he happened to pass us by!

I'm glad I got to have lunch with a friend! This is my wonderful coworker Ms. Gomez. We went to the best diner and had french onion's so good that we wanted it despite insane humidity and heat!

I'm glad Ms. Gomez always creates adventures for us. She dragged me into an INTENSE Asian market and, well, it was intense. There was live EVERYTHING; jellyfish, FROGS (see below!), lobsters (see below!), squid, blech. Not my cup of tea. However, it was insanely fun.

I'm glad I came up with a fabulous cheer up hubby idea! Well, I wasn't so glad in the process. It was a bit difficult to clip the rubber bands off of a lobster when you're scared of it...and it wriggles. Needless to say, my neighbor was there filming for moral support, and the video is hilarious. It's wicked long, so I'll save you the drama. Mr. Miller is having a LONG week at work, and since I utterly refuse to cook or handle seafood, this is a big success. I hope he likes the lobster avocado salad!
 I'm glad I made my first lobster! WOOHOO! SUCCESS!

I'm glad I got the meat out without a lobster cracker! I used a hammer; messy but effective.

I'm glad I got my speed work in today. Yea, that was funny. I somehow figured out how to change my watch to kilometers to make it easier to do my workout; and then I couldn't figure out how to change it back 30 minutes later. So, I'm also glad that I figured out how to change it back! I blame runner brain: can't calculate or handle heavy machinery when focusing on running.

I'm glad that Leticia is running again! She was injured and has made a great recovery. NYC Marathon here we come!!!

I'm glad Stephanie got a PR! Great race gfriend!

Last, and certainly not least: I'm glad that my teacher friends took time out of their summer to walk and run today!!! 

How about YOU? What are you glad about today? Are you glad that Trader Joe's sells the best unsweetened iced tea in the world? Did a friend share great news with you? Are you on vacation? TELL ME ABOUT IT!!! (If you're on vacation, relax and tell me when you get back!)

110 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!


  1. Omg, those frogs! Ahhhh, that creeps me out. I will have nightmares about those giant frogs tonight!

    Awesome job cooking lobster, I'm seriously impressed! I'm coming over for the next one ;)

  2. That's crazy that you ran into your hubby! How funny is that! And that Asian market? I would have been running out the door... :)


Have something on your mind? Type it out!