Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, July 2, 2012

Glad Game Monday XV

Okay, it's true, it's easier to be glad on summer vacation! Wait, it's Monday? I feel like it's Friday. I'm not sure what day of the week it is any day right now, and I find myself looking at the clock and thinking about what I would be doing in school at that point. However, today I found it an easy day to relax. FINALLY. So, whether you're a teacher still trying to wind down from the end of year insanity, a corporate America worker running from your desk at the stroke of 5, or a stay at home mama doing the toughest job in the world, let's get GLAD!

I'm glad I got hired for summer school! In my School's out for Summer post I lamented at my wide open summer; aka, summer jobs are the vacation fund for February break! So, winter tropical vacation is ON!

I'm glad Mr. Miller pushed me to a 10k PR Sunday! I mentioned it yesterday, but I'm still so excited. Today I ran 3 super hot miles, with hills, in 30:11. This is very fast for me, especially when it's 85, sunny, humid, hills, and no shade. 

I'm glad that I got to discover a new brunch place in Connecticut! Mr. Miller and I went with my childhood friend and his new wife and had an awesome time eating waffles smothered in blueberries from their farm, a muffin basket with assorted sweets, and delicious coffee! Only drawback: It was like a greenhouse, so we all sweated through our clothes! Good thing we are friends. The friends who sweat together stay together! (I trademark this. Boom) #ctforlife

I'm glad I got this fortune Saturday night. Yea, I don't believe in random sayings inside a semi-stale cookie, but this one was cool. Especially when I have something on the horizon that could end up being pretty great. Ominous? Yes. Telling all of you? Soon enough.

 I'm glad that I'm related to lovely ladies. We were all enjoying a fabulous poolside "Adult Swim" (AKA all 5 young boys were sent inside for snacks and a TV show while we enjoyed pool peace and quiet for 30 minutes) when a CRAZY thunderstorm hit us with an insane downpour! Needless to say, Adult Swim turned into covered swim, and the 30 minutes of TV turned into no satellite service. It wasn't long before the sun came out and all was right in the #ctforlife world again.

I'm glad marathon training started today! I'm feeling stronger than ever. Really excited for this training cycle, and for all the people who are running!

I'm glad for blog friends. You all rock. The end.

I'm glad that Lambeau Puppy knows how to pose! I'll call this "Poolside Pooch"

What are you glad about?! Did you get a fabulous tan this weekend? Did YOU begin or are you in training for a big race? Did a book leave you thinking "I want to read this again?" (Accepting beach read recommendations!) TELL ME ABOUT IT!

124 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!


  1. What is your summer school schedule like?

    We should compare training plans and run together soon!

    Also, you already know this, but I love your puppy! A lot.

  2. I'm glad that I discovered a wonderful farmers market near where I am living for the next few weeks !

    I'm also glad that my ankle made a huge recovery yesterday and I think running will be back in my life within the next 2 weeks!

  3. Glad to hear you're enjoying your summer!! And that you'll be making the extra moolah for that Feb.vacay! Much necessary! I'm definitely impressed with all your summer running. I barely want to step outside in this heat...


Have something on your mind? Type it out!