Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Heartbreak Warfare

"...Disappointment has a name / it's heartbreak / it's heartbreak..."

John Mayer, you said it right.

So. I've been keeping a little secret. I applied to the Footlocker 5 Borough Challenge. I was honest about my projected pace. I got a phone interview. They said they LOVED me. Here's the catch: My time was not fast enough for the contest. I told them I would run my little heart out, and I even gained a coach in the process. 

It wasn't good enough. :-( 

I said that I was training to complete a 4:30 marathon. They wanted 4 hours. They said it was the only reason that hadn't chosen me. Mind you, they are the nicest people in the world, 100% professional and personal, honest and sincere. I appreciated the chance to simply be interviewed. 


I've become comfortable with my pace, clearly not winning any races in my lifetime, but this hurts. I really wanted this. I never do any of these contest type things or anything, and to get this far to get a final answer of NO is so sad. I really wanted the chance to challenge myself.

I have some cool ladies who encouraged me to dream big. Thank you to Michelle, Stephanie, Leticia and Dorothy for all your encouragement. My close friends were also very encouraging, thank you ladies!

Time to pick myself up by my bootstraps and plod on. I'll give myself one day to be sad. One day to think what if's. One day to wallow just a bit. Tomorrow, I must move on. Being upset isn't going to change the results. It's hard to not think that this was the drive behind my great training runs the past three weeks. I'll have to reevaluate and press forward. I have to remember that there are a LOT worse things happening to people, even people I know, and realize there is more good than bad in my life.

I started by having lunch with my friend Bernadette! B, we didn't take a picture! Thanks for a fun lunch to take my mind off being sad. Here's an oldie but a goodie!

So, Queens representative, you better bring your A-Game and win this challenge. I'll be rooting for you! 

108 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!


  1. Oh, what a bummer. So sorry to hear that. But don't you think for one minute that your awesome runs have only been fueled by the chance you might be chosen for the Challenge. No, ma'am. They are going so well because you are working hard and kicking ass. So keep on going!

  2. I have no doubt that you would have represented Queens so well!! And I'm so sorry to hear the news...I think after last year's major time differences, they were really going to keep the 330-4 hour window strict...There is always next year too, Kristin!!
    And I'll still be at the finish line cheering for you in Nov!!! xoxo

  3. I think it's awesome that you put yourself out there and gave it a shot! Just think - so many people could never do what you do! You are extraordinary in your own way!

  4. oh no i'm so sorry :( what a bummer! But please know you are an AMAZING runner and person and no matter what your pace, you always inspire me :)

  5. Kristin, I'm sorry again you weren't chosen! But don't think for a second, you're not good enough! You're a lovely person who kicks running ass! You also said you had the best experience last year, and no number on a clock can eclipse that! I can't wait to share the course with you in 15 weeks! Cow belling and cheering for you always!

  6. Bummed for you :( But at least you won the giveaway! Hopefully that is a picker-upper!


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