Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Friday, August 24, 2012

Workout on vacation: at the beach!

It's Friday. Boo. Most people would be excited, anticipating a summer Friday early release, or a joyous weekend filled with fun plans. Me? My vacation is ending. The S word is looming, first day back is September 4. Eek. Kids. Paperwork. Lots of paperwork. Anyway! Let's not dilly dally on the negatives, because they mean my beloved summer is ending. Let's focus on working out at the best place in the world: the beach.

Here was the schedule: 
Sunday: 3-4 miles on the beach with plyometrics stops (Didn't wear a watch, ran FREE!)
Monday: RAINY 7 mile tempo run 9:46/mile
Tuesday: 4 miles on the beach
Wednesday: Biked for about 5 miles
Thursday: Decided to rest
Friday: TBD! 

I love beach running, but there aren't any hills. On the contrary, I FOUND hills! If you're beach running, try to find some dunes and have at it. I ran up this bad boy five times on my 4 mile run Tuesday. It doesn't look too big here, but it's about level with the second floor of that house! Super steep, super challenging.

Running on the shore can be good and bad. The harder the sand, the better it is to run...or so you think. Although the firmer sand can keep you from heel striking like sinking sand often forces you to, the harder sand can tear up your skin. A healthy mix of slightly in the water and beyond the water can save your feet. Also, keep your eyes out for tiny shells, they can slice you bad!

Obviously, walking the beach is the best way to start and end the day. We take walks multiple times a day. Obviously the puppies love the beach, and half the time I'm running to get them going. Walking the beach is a great way to balance being sedentary and reading Gone Girl, People Magazine, etc.

Use beach supplies to get some planks in! Mr. Miller is a firm believer in push-ups and planks multiple times a day. Hey, why not? You're at the beach!

If you're brave, try kayaking! The ocean has not been very calm, so I didn't go out. I am a scaredy cat after an incident a few years ago...let's just say my dad didn't "have it" and I was flipped and thoroughly concussed by a kayak. So sad. The men took to boating and riding in waves, a great arm workout. 

The beach community staple: biking. We enjoyed biking and viewing the beautiful, often extravagant, beach houses. It's like being in another world. You barely realize your exercising, albeit not burning a ton of calories. My hamstring has been a bit tight from all the beach walking/running, so this was an easy fix to break a sweat for a bit.

TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAY! Lambeau turns 3 today! We celebrated with morning mimosas on the beach, meeting some new puppy dogs, and chasing seagulls. He almost got one, almost. Happy birthday Lambeau Puppy!!!

Do you workout at the beach? Do you celebrate pet birthdays?! Are you sad to see summer go? Excited for kids to return to the S word? How many miles should I run today?! (I'm thinking 4...not sure) TELL ME ABOUT IT! 

71 days until the ING NYC MARATHON!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Lambeau puppy!!! I always celebrate pet birthdays! :)

  2. Ahhh to be young again. I love the pictures. Thanks for sharing.
    Just checking back for any new posts you may have written.
    I’ve been a follower on your blog for a while now and would like to invite you to visit and perhaps follow me back. Sorry I took so long for the invitation.

  3. I am definitely a vacation exerciser, but I have actually never been on a beach vacation. Congrats on getting in your workouts!


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