Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, February 25, 2013

Fleeing NYC for the weekend

This weekend I had a trip to CT planned! It was my brother's SURPRISE 40th birthday party. Unfortunately, Mr. Miller couldn't make it, and he agreed to care for Lambeau Puppy. So, off I went straight after work Friday to Connecticut! I made it in 2 hours 10 minutes, a world record for Friday afternoon driving. Here are some highlights of my weekend via photos:

 He said, "I'll only wear it for you!" That's my big brother!!!
 Siblings unite!!! (In order left to right, number 3, number 5, number 2 and number 1)

Saturday I had no big plans. I was tired from driving, reveling, and basically from the whole week, so Saturday I decided to take it easy and spend time with the people I love. I cheered for a race with Mrs. Clark, visited each of my siblings houses, got to see my fabulous nieces and nephews and my Grammy!
 Sign making is in art form.
 Cheering is a sport. I didn't shut up the whole time I was there. Had to give back after a year of being shamelessly cheered for by others while I was racing!
The half marathoner!!! Stephanie did an amazing job!!! It was a $2 half marathon in Colchester, CT, very challenging and hilly.

When I visited Grammy, she decided to show me the crotchet baby blankets she already made for my future (No, I'm not pregnant) baby. Whelp. I teared up. She's scared she won't be around to see it. I love her.
I finished the night with FaceTime chat with the Waites. E baby 1 and E baby 2 are the cutest!!!

After a day filled visiting houses, I finally got out for a long run Sunday morning. I had 9 miles on the agenda. By mile 2 I was nauseous and sweaty, little did I realize I was OVERHEATING! I was deceived! I thought it was cold out, so I wore a running jacket, long sleeve, tank, and tights...bad move for always warm me. Below was my solution:

I asked a nice looking #CTforlife neighbor 2 miles in if I could leave my coat in their driveway. He placed it on this handy dandy workbench! I picked it up on the way back and wrapped it around my waist.

 As seen on my run: A RANDOM hat on a mailbox. Message received loud and clear: POSSIBLE.
This scenery literally took my breath away. I stopped and stared for a minute.
A long sleeve tee to inspire a run where I felt TIRED!
I used Nike+! It had its positives and negatives, but I'm glad I had SOMETHING to replace my Garmin which stayed in NYC! 

I came back to NYC Sunday night, unpacked, and cleaned. I. am. TIRED! This weekend was a great time to spend with family, but has left me exhausted. Let's see how Monday night's hill work goes!!!

How about you? How was your weekend? Did you finally relax? Did you get out and run? Are you a FaceTime Aunty/Uncle? TELL ME ABOUT IT!


  1. Nice work on your run. I ended up using my iphone Nike app while on vacation because I left my gps watch charger at home. My niece is too young to facetime yet, but we will by this time next year!

  2. Nice run, Kristin! And OMG, you and your siblings look so much alike! It's adorable! So glad you had a wonderful visit!

  3. What a nice neighbor you have! I would not be motivated to step out in that weather.

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