Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, April 1, 2013

PR in PR: How to get over not making a goal

Thank you for all your lovely comments! I don't have fancy schmancy commenting, so if I respond none of you will know! So, a big fat thanks goes out to all the nice people with kind words!

I got over my race in a big way. I FINALLY got a pedicure after months of neglect, and sprang for a massage as well. Mr. Miller went to a Knicks game, so I went to bed early in anticipation of my 3:30am wake up. Nope. Not for a race, for a FLIGHT! I headed down to Puerto Rico in my ProCompression socks with two girlfriends for some fun in the sun while relishing in my half marathon PR. Our flight left at 5:45am, on the beach by 11am, and really didn't spend much time away from the beach for the rest of the trip. It was truly relaxing, exactly what I needed!!! 

Here are a few pictures that tell the story of this fabulous trip:

 I found TWO heart stones! My heart was filled on the beach. I'm a beach girl at heart.

 This is my favorite picture of the vacation. My little refuge from the sun.

Springs Vibes were alive in PR! 

 Iced Red Eye on the beach. I felt like I came back to life after weak coffee for two days. Spoiled. 
 A series of sunsets, they were all individually beautiful.
 Rum Punch by the sea.

Our last sunset was the best one. Creation at its finest.

As you can tell, I HIGHLY recommend Rincon, Puerto Rico, as an amazing vacation site! The food was amazing, I could dedicate a whole other post to it. Ode to the Elephant, Tamboo, and Calypso were just some of the delectable restaurants with incredible views. Now, I'm back to life, haven't run a single mile, made my first ever Easter dinner for friends, and read a couple of books in between. I have some new goals in mind for the future, a fresh tan, and a relaxed mind. What more could I ask for?

How about you? Did you have a "spring break"? Are you enjoying the warmer weather we've been blessed with? Have you taken or are you taking a vacation sometime soon? TELL ME ABOUT IT!


  1. So jealous! But, seriously, so glad you had an amazing trip, it looks absolutely gorgeous there!!! Can we hang out soon, I miss you :)

  2. Sounds like such an awesome time. My spring break is a staycation here in Albs. Nothing fancy but a trip to Belize is in the making so I can handle a week enjoying my city :) What books did you read? I'm always looking for new books to get to !

  3. Despite being a law student and actually having a spring break, I did not, in fact, have a spring break. Blame the boyfriend who deferred law school for two years and is now a first year who thus had to study all break! But hopefully I'll have a "spring break" in May.

    I keep hearing the best things about Puerto Rico and it's now on my "must-visit" list! So glad you had a fabulous time. You earned it!!

  4. What a great way to celebrate a PR, it doesn't matter by how much, you still did it. Beach looks lovely.

  5. Gorgeous pictures! I really hope you guys enjoyed yourselves. Tropical vacations after races are a wonderful idea!


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