Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Falling gracefully

It doesn't exist. Let me tell you, I've done it. I fell at the beginning of my first marathon training cycle and thought all was lost...thankfully there was just some road rash on my arm. I fell the Monday after the canceled NYC Marathon...I suffered a fractured pinky and some scrapes. My marathon shirt got ripped...thankfully my mom is old school and sewed it back together again. 

Monday. It always seems to be a Monday. I was stressed from work, tired, and wanted to get an easy 3 miles run. I had no music, no phone, just me and the run. I was almost 2 miles in when I saw a plastic circular thing, similar to what wraps around shipping boxes but seems to have no use: 

See those straps? They have no real use. Also, this is not my photo, and the only one on Google that had these stupid things in it. 

So, I thought I cleared it. Nope. My front toe got caught just as my back foot kicked off, trapping my feet and sending me flying. This is a reenactment:

I was dressed for success that day. Via.

I did a quick check and I was okay. Just a REALLY scraped up knee, elbow, and hands. One person asked if I was okay, I said yes as I started running off...partially in shock, partially because I was still half a mile from home and needed to get there somehow. I made it safely, and thankfully my nurse/neighbor patched me up.

So, here I am, injured. No pedicures this week like I planned, and 10 miles on the agenda for Friday. I'm fairly sore and it's pretty nasty. I may try to run today, but the "scabbing" is really stiff and uncomfortable. Scroll down if you want to see day 1 and day 2 of the injury, day 3 (today) is much uglier so I'll spare you. 

How about you? Do you fall often? Do you think I'm the clumsiest runner alive? Do you know a good tuck and roll teacher? TELL ME ABOUT IT!


  1. Aw, it looks like it's getting better! And I fall ALL THE TIME too. We should probably keep running together just to make others think that falling is what you're supposed to do! ;)

  2. Ack! Glad you weren't more seriously hurt. Totally agree that there is absolutely no way to fall gracefully, believe me, I have tried. I may challenge you for the title of clumsiest runner.

  3. Oh no!! I used to do this every spring when I lived in a place with winter. I could stay up just fine on the ice and snow, but come springtime I'd have one major fall that would keep me from running in the beautiful weather.

  4. my last big fall was hiking when I managed to not use my hands or knees to break my fall only my nose. It was as awful as you may think. Sorry about your fall, isn't it amazing to think when we were young, we had scraped knees like that all the time?!

  5. Ouch! Girl, I am right there with you! I am SO not graceful:) I hope the injury is feeling much better!


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