Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Marathon season!!!

Hello, strangers. I have been MIA. It has been a rough few weeks. Basically, everything in my job as a teacher has changed. Everything is new. Everything is stressful. Instead of moderate amounts of take home work, I have MOUNDS of take home work (In fact, I just remembered three things I have to do...). This change is a result of new curricula, a new teacher evaluation system, and the fact that we are getting reviewed in two weeks by our superintendent (The equivalent of an FBI search warrant on everything we do). So, I won't be blogging as much as I would like, nor reading the blogs that I so enjoy. But enough about that sad stuff, let's talk about more exciting things!

IT'S MARATHON SEASON! Despite my current dreary work outlook, I am SO excited to cheer for you runners who have worked SO hard toward your fall races!!! Seeing signs up for the NYC Marathon, seeing countdowns in the teens and twenties, have helped me jump back into running. More on that another time. Back to marathons. Get ready for some Mrs. Miller cheer sections!

CONGRATULATIONS TO MY SISTER JENNIFER! She ran her FIRST marathon, and it was a TRAIL marathon!!! Her time was incredible, 5:14, so close to my ROAD marathon times! I wasn't able to make it to cheer, but I was on pins and needles thinking about her all morning on Sunday! I am so proud of you Jenny girl! You are a rock star runner and always push me to be better (especially when you run backwards for me to catch up...) 

 Yea, it rained the whole time. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Smiling to the end! SHE DIDN'T FALL ONCE! Obviously we're opposites...

I'm also looking forward to cheering this weekend! Ashley is running the ING Hartford Marathon, and we talked AGES ago about my going to cheer for her! Since it's Columbus Day weekend, we're going to visit my parents, so it has worked out perfectly. 

We are wearing matching Sparkly Soul bands. Obviously a match made in runner heaven! Some other marathons coming up for Michelle and Jen!

How about you? What are you running?! I feel like I need to make a spreadsheet to keep track! Tell me about it so I can cheer loud and proud!!!

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