Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, February 3, 2014

20 week update (Really 21)

I fell a little behind on my updates! I had a very busy week last week, and time seems to be flying by! Lots of exciting things have been going on and are about to go on, so here's the skinny!

Energy level: Still flying high off non first trimester feelings! Even though trying on maternity clothes leaves me winded, I've been doing really well with balancing rest and activity. I've been cooking some of my favorite meals, finding time to go out with friends, and the never ending organizing of our lives to make room for baby.

 This is my new niece! EBaby3 joined us almost three weeks ago. She's dreamy.

Exercising: Things have been consistent! I've been going to 1-2 NTC classes a week, as well as attempting some runs. The polar vortex really put a cramp in my running style (Fear of black ice really), so it's been a great feeling to get out and run again! I even jumped into a race last minute because Mr. Miller wanted to get in the Super Bowl spirit! (Don't worry, I brought my own water and everything!) It was great to be in the crowd, running with hundreds of others and readily available restrooms (Yea...that's been a fun development! No running too far from a bathroom for this girl!)

 At a Nike Speed Lounge NTC workout with Seahawks Player O'brien Schofield. We got to meet four NFL players. Two guessed boy two guessed girl. One said "No matter what, that baby is going to be an athlete girl!"

 Running some miles with some of my favorite people!

Completing my first four mile run since November was pretty fabulous!

Eating: I started to crave veggies. I was on a pasta kick for a little while, then all of a sudden I needed a crazy amount of vegetables! I made up my own "kale bowl" and ate it for three lunches straight. It was so delicious and satisfying. I've also been craving chocolate chip cookies, but that has paled in comparison to the Super Bowl dessert we picked up from Queens Comfort: OREO S'MORE BREAD PUDDING.

 My rice bowl: Brown rice, kale broccoli brussels sprout cabbage and chard slave, beets, sweet potato, cranberries, pumpkin seeds and poppy seed dressing. DELICIOUS.

You're welcome for the food envy I just gave you. And yes, it is as good as it looks.

Weight gain: 13lbs! I guess I'm following the "pound a week" rule since I was about 4 pounds less a few weeks ago. I have definitely popped out and can feel my jackets getting tighter. Come on coats, just one more month! March won't be so cold hopefully!

Post work out belly pop and lock. 

Mental status: I had a bit of a breakdown...over a mug. I was washing out my FAVORITE mug and it slipped out of my soapy hand...perfect hitting the handle and breaking it off. I was given this mug by a friend, and I use it every day. (I was sobbing while Mr. Miller consoled me that we could, indeed, go purchase another one immediately.) In other news, I only cried at two Super Bowl commercials, so I'd call that a win.

I will miss you, my original NYC Starbucks coffee mug.

Gender prediction: WE FIND OUT TOMORROW!!! Pending cooperation, we will know if we are having a boy or a girl around 12pm tomorrow. I'm guessing girl, and Mr. Miller has no idea. People have been generally split. Even my class with twelve students voted 6 for girl and 6 for boy!

Team pink or team blue???

What do you think? Cast your prediction now! Will I be putting bows or bow ties on my baby? The winner gets satisfaction in being all knowing in things baby gender! TELL ME ABOUT IT!

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