Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Big things are coming!

Can you believe tomorrow is SPRING?! Let's count that as the FIRST big thing coming. Although it is just a day which doesn't force the weather to oblige, I've been secretly praying for optimal weather. Seems like tomorrow will begin an upswing into the 50's...but I will ignore the return to the 40's starting Sunday!

Dreaming of warm weather running...although there's no way I'll look like this!!! 7 months pregnant and growing....

This weekend I'll be doing a big thing: running a 5k 7 months pregnant! That's right! I'm running my 5th annual 13.1 NYC event; however, I will not be conquering 13.1 miles. I made the decision a while back that I didn't want to put that pressure on myself, and I am SO glad that I made that choice! This winter has been horrible for training, especially with ice. I will be running the 5k then cheering my little bump off for the fearless runners taking the course! I am partnering with Team World Vision again to raise money to provide clean drinking water for villages in Africa. Feel free to donate if you want

Successful PR/Failed Goal attempt last year. Don't think I'll need the fuel belt for the 5k...

Another big thing coming: the baby. Baby boy is due to arrive on or around June 16. School doesn't end until June 27 (Yes, NYC goes LATE), but I will obviously be making an early exit. In addition to this big arrival, a big decision has been made: I won't be going back to work for the 2014-2015 school year. I will be taking a full year off to be with my little gentleman. It won't be easy, but we have decided that this is the best decision for our family and are willing to make the financial sacrifice. 

Looking forward to summer with a bunch of cute little people. Crazy to think mine is joining the mix!

My last big thing: it's still under wraps. I will tell you that it is a new adventure that will be helping offset the financial sacrifice. It MAY also be something you are interested. Stay tuned for April where I will tell all!!!

How about you? What big things are happening in your life? Are you looking forward to spring? (Stupid question. EVERYONE is looking forward to spring!) Any races coming up? Tell me about it!

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