Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Week 38 Update

Maternity leave pregnant is so much better than working pregnant! I didn't realize how tired I was after work. Although I'm still swelling (Thank you warmer weather), it's nice that I can prop up my feet any time I want! (And pee any time I want...because it has become desperate times in THAT department!) The key is to relax and not stress. My doctor was concerned about my stress levels, hence my going on maternity leave two weeks before my due date. If you want to catch up, I added a Pregnancy tab on my menu, check out past updates and posts from the past 38 (AH!) weeks!

Energy level: The more I move, the more tired I am (Duh!). I have to move to keep up my circulation/proceed toward labor, so it's a double edged sword. I'm not exhausted first trimester style, but I've definitely fallen asleep on the couch this week...though, it was after 9:30 pm, which is my normal bedtime! The weather has been absolutely beautiful, but the heat seems to take a lot out of me.

Loving bringing Lambeau Puppy to the park! It gets me out and he is EXHAUSTED (Note his tongue hanging out!)

Exercise: We are walking!!! I have officially taken over Lambeau's morning walk duties, and we make it longer than his normal 10 minute jaunt. We're averaging 20-30 minutes in the morning before it gets hot, just in time to catch up on the Today Show with a cup of coffee.

Another park photo! The Nike shirt says "Just Kickin' It". Despite rapidly losing space, Henry is still doing just that!

Cravings: COOKIES. Shoot I love them. I must resist...especially since Entemanns were on sale for $2.99 at my can't eat just one of those little chocolate chip cookies! Thankfully I'm still on the smoothies. Balance, right?

Weight gain: I don't want to talk about it. UGH. I gained *4lbs* in a week according to my doctor's scale, but I had forgotten to weigh myself on my own scale, so I'll just say I was really swelled up? Sigh. I know it's temporary but SHEESH I know Henry didn't gain 4lbs! (Note: cookies not helping)

Mental status: Things are finally "ready"! We have some little things to do, like put the car seat in the car, but otherwise we are looking pretty good. I think I have finally passed over the threshold of "I'm scared out of my mind of labor" to the greater feeling of "I want to meet him"! It also helps that FOUR of my friends have had babies within the past week. Baby envy in full effect! Here is a peak of our nursery nook! We are sharing our bedroom with Henry, so we had to be practical with how much we put in for him!

 My friend made me the prints. I wanted the song from Sharon Lois and Bram's Elephant Show on the print which reads "I love you in the morning in and in the afternoon/I love you in the evening underneath the moon". The letters were created by Joan, I believe she got plain letters from Michael's and decorated them herself! The platypus was created by my friend Rachel, and it is SO cool! It's is antibacterial (cool inside the body), soft but makes crunching noises, and has lavender in the bill as a soothing mechanism! I love that so many parts of the nursery were created by friends! The crib is Hudson by Babyletto.

 Our old Ikea dresser was converted into a changing table! It is the perfect height and width. All his clothes are inside so it's perfect! The shelves and (left) canvas are from Target, the NYC skyline blocks are from the MOMA, and the elephant canvas on the right was created by my niece! 

A closer look at the shelves. I never said I was a skilled photographer!!!

Best Advice: I have two additions today! First, I plan on giving my medical team small gifts at the hospital. I was told today that they are not supposed to accept gift cards! So, I will be looking for some yummy snacks along with some Rodan and Fields samples so they can pamper themselves a bit! Here is the other piece of advice, submitted in a card from one of my 5th graders:

I'll work on the cute baby thing. Suddenly I'm not so scared of labor! ;-)

How about you? Have you been spending time outside? Are you allowed to receive gift cards at your job (I'm not)? Had any yummy desserts lately? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

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