Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Coordinating Workouts as New Parents

It's been three weeks since I was cleared to work out. At first, my workouts were SHORT (15 minutes short). It was important to me to build up my workouts SAFELY. I didn't want to get injured right out of the gate (minus accidentally stubbing my toe...), so creating time wasn't as difficult. However, we knew that we needed to coordinate so neither one of us was left without a workout. It was a hard thing to wrap my mind around: I couldn't just lace up and walk out the door to run, I had to coordinate with my husband to ensure Henry was fed and he was ready to care for him while I exercised. It has made my workouts intentional. No longer am I taking my time to leave, finding things to distract me from getting out the door. When it's time to leave, I'm gone, and make the most out of my time! Here are some ways we have found time to fit in our workouts:

1. Assigned "baby free" workout days. We have separated days in the week as "Mr. & Mrs." days to ensure each of us gets two days to exercise responsibility (stroller) free. Will this always work? Probably not, especially with weather etc, but while Henry is young (And I'm building up jogging stroller stamina), we have our days that we can count on to be fitness focused.

Can't bring the baby to the pool! These are my baby free workouts. When the pool closes I'll most likely increase my (Stroller free) runs!

2. At home workouts. Neither one of us has a gym membership, so at home strength routines have become a staple in our house. Mr. Miller does T25 or NTC, while I am doing my own thing until 12 weeks when I will unleash the beast of lifting weights and annihilating my abs (cue laughter). I do my strength routine during the day while Henry naps on Mr. Miller's scheduled after work workout days.

Old picture 26 weeks pregnant. I'm a bit different, but Lamby is still in my grill during any and all home workouts, ready to play fetch or lick my face!

3. Workout together. We're trying to get the hang of the jogging stroller (Doctor approved it as long as we are mindful of Henry, which we always are). We actually used to workout together often, and it's something I definitely missed towards the end of my pregnancy when my options were walking, walking and walking. Oh, and squats! We had a great time at Summer Streets and look forward to more family runs in the future.

The good old days of Nike events. We always had so much fun! Circa September 2013

The first of many family runs!

4. Support each other. On days when the other doesn't feel like working out, we often encourage each other to make it happen. Being healthy and active is important to both of us. Although some days it's hard to get out there, especially after rough nights of sleep, knowing that I'm supported by Mr. Miller makes all the difference. 

My number one fan. Love this guy. Missing marathons. 

How about you? Do you have a schedule that you follow religiously? Do you check in with your significant other to coordinate? Do you workout despite a bad night's sleep? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

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