Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, August 11, 2014

Postpartum Workouts: 8 Weeks

I decided I will try writing a new series. I'm going to try to log my weekly workouts. I have NEVER, repeat NEVER been good at this (Mostly because during marathon training I'm balancing the beginning of the school year), but I want to keep a record of this. It will serve as a pseudo accountability if you will. I wrote about my postpartum fitness plan here. Since I had a c-section, things are definitely moving a bit slower, and I'm okay with that. Here are the keys to my workouts as a c-section mommy:

1. Respect my body. I have never been a runner who ran through pain. If I felt a twinge that scared me a bit, I would rest. I only freaked out if I missed more than a week of runs or two consecutive long runs. In this process, being in tune with my body is ESSENTIAL. Feeling any sort of pain (which is different than being sore from a fabulous workout) will be respected. Case and point: I was SO stoked about my mile run on Sunday, and that night I stubbed my toe so badly that it's still swollen. So guess what? No more running this week. 

2. Build STRENGTH. Working with Jenni from Fitzala is great. She is so knowledgeable! I will be focusing my efforts on building strength, not just cardio per my usual M.O. Since I'm still on a no ab work regimen, I made up my own little workout. (NOTE: I am NOT a personal trainer in any way shape or form. I've been to a million classes, done research, and know this can work for me! Try it out if you want!)

Adjustments: I did modified push ups and didn't do the plank just yet to ease the use of my abs. A "row" is where you lift one arm up after you do a push up.

3. REST. I will not be doing the same workout two days in a row for a while. I am slowly getting my muscles back into shape, waking them up if you will, but I won't overuse them in the process.

So, here's a look at my week while incorporating those keys!

Weekly Workouts: 8 Weeks Postpartum

  • Sunday: 1 mile run with a 1 mile walk.
  • Monday: REST. Toe injured. BOO HOO! Walked the dog.
  • Tuesday: Swam 600m
I love that my pool as official etiquette posted!!!
  • Wednesday: Strength Workout + 2 mile walk pushing the stroller (Still felt toe)
  • Thursday: Canceled swim. I was going to go swimming, but I was celebrating my friend's new journey with a glass of bubbly, then decided that I would rather sit with my boys than swim for 20 minutes. Listening to a Johnny Cash cover band and eating a picnic dinner with these guys was good for the soul.
I stroll the line...
  • Friday: Walked the dog. My toe was still sore and I was STILL sore from Wednesday's strength workout! Lesson learned: I should have done one circuit instead of two!
  • Saturday: 700m Swim. The day got away from me, between packing to come to CT, traveling, and spending time with family, I didn't get my swim in until 9:15pm. SO glad I did. It felt GREAT!

Summary: Three strong workouts! I am putting zero pressure on myself and I'm determined not to over do it. I am proud to have gotten three quality workouts in with a two month old!

How was your week? Any great new workouts? Did you have a stellar long run? How do you avoid over doing it? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

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