Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Monday, September 8, 2014

Postpartum Workouts: 12 Weeks

It's vacation week! Sadly we're experiencing some rain, so I'm blogging. This past week marked 12 weeks since I had Henry via C-Section, so that means the beginning of lifting and abs! I haven't broken out the kettle bells just yet, I stuck with 4lb weights to ease my way back into lifting. I was so scared to start ab work, and rightfully so: after my first "real" moves targeting my abs, it hurt when I laughed and coughed! (Full circle from when they hurt post surgery I guess?) Doesn't matter, I'm back to full body workouts and I'm excited! 

Weekly Workouts: 12 Weeks Postpartum
  • Sunday: Nothing, spent the day with my family, visiting friends, and lazying about.
  • Monday: Repeat of Sunday, but this was spent mainly lounging by the pool.
  • Tuesday: Fitzala workout! It didn't seem hard at the time, but the crossfit type workout left me SORRRRRRRRRE. First time actively engaging my abs in an ab focused move, and it was difficult. The 'ol stomach has plenty of rehabbing ahead of it!
  • Wednesday: Rest day. Visited another cute Henry so I walked about 2 miles total "wearing" the baby.
  • Thursday: 1.5 mile run on the "first day of school". It was my first time in six years not helping kindergarteners separate from their parents and not lose their new class. Seeing kids walking to school gave me minor anxiety. Also did the Fitzala workout! Boy was I sore from the first one, and this one was much more difficult. I had to modify the ab work because my abs simply could not do the assigned exercise.
  • Friday: Rest day: driving to vacation! We stopped overnight in Annapolis and enjoyed a day of eating, drinking, and visiting with friends.
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Kings of the castle! A pirate pup and his first mate.

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At our favorite dockside spot in Annapolis, MD
  • Saturday: Rest day: driving again! We drove the rest of the way to VA Beach and went to a BBQ event. It was disgustingly hot and humid, so nothing happened besides more pool lounging.
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After a successful swim in the pool! It was so hot the pool was like bathwater! 

Summary: Only two days of "real" workouts. It was a busy week filled with traveling with an infant! It was definitely the kind of week where I felt like all I was doing was packing, unpacking, then repacking. It was also extremely hot at the beginning of the week, so I backed off from any stroller running. It's not worth it to get some miles in to have a hot baby! It made me extremely thankful for the cool summer we've had.

How was your week? Do you feel like it's "fall"? Did you or your kids start school? How is fall race training going? TELL ME ABOUT IT!

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