Mrs. Millers Plan Book

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Henry: 8 Months

Reality is setting in: he is almost one. I went to go take his 8 month picture (a few days late...) and there is only one sheet of stickers for 9, 10, 11 and 12 months.! So much has happened in the past month, here are some of the highlights:

He kept grabbing that h. It's a miracle that I got him distracted!
  • Henry weighs 18.3lbs! He lost a bit of weight while he was sick, so he's finally back to gaining.
  • Henry was SICK for the first time. Up all night, sad and lots of prescriptions and doctors visit. He had RSV, so we had to use a nebulizer which was, well, interesting. If I never sing The Wheels on the Bus again it will be just fine.
  • Henry is a rolling nut, going all over the place and trying to chase Lambeau via rolls on rolls on roll.
  • We went on another plane ride! Henry loved Puerto Rico.
  • HE GOT A TOOTH. There were some early mornings, shortened naps and middle of the night wake ups, but overall he was very amiable despite the pain he was in.
  • Henry is sitting up! He was a bit of a late bloomer in this department, but now he loves it because he can use both hands to put all the things in his mouth.
  • Sleep: lots of early mornings. We were in a pretty good groove before he got sick, and then was teething. Now he's up between 5-7AM, there's no rhyme or reason for why it's earlier or later! He's also mostly down to two naps a day depending on how early he wakes up. 
  • Lambeau thinks Henry can play with him. Now that Henry sits up, Lamby will bring him his toy to play, then growl and bark to get him to throw it...and then Lamby has to go to timeout. He still has yet to learn that Henry is not quite ready to throw his toys for him!
  • Henry laughs at Lambeau. We have to work for it, making noises, tickling, kissing, peek-a-boo etc. Lambeau just walks by and Henry laughs! Not fair.
  • He understands FaceTime now. We FaceTime with Mr. Miller often, and he laughs and "talks" to him. It's super cute.
This has been an incredible month of growth. Seeing so many milestones, and knowing more are just around the corner, make me cherish every moment. Reading books has become one of our favorite times together, we can breeze through eight books at a time without a peep from Henjo. Next step: crawling. That I can wait for. Eek.

Happy 8 Months Little Lion Man!
Hands always in the mouth. And then they touch Lambeau's toy. Sigh. Good germs?

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